Cararra 8 Bundle items

Hi, I have bought and have the programme downloaded, but can't seem to see the items below that are said to be included in the bundle. There are dozens of scenes, objects, etc loaded, but not the ones below my sig. Or do I have to download them all separately? WHERE do I put the Cararra folder inside DAZ Library in My Documents or in the folders area where all the above scenes, objects, etc are now in the progrramme directory? There's no folder existing under the Objects tab for eg People, there's just New Models which is empty. I was reading the Walk Through but am still very confused.
Also for Content folders where there is none at the moment...are the directions I am reading in various places meaning that I am to just click on that folder icon on the far right and point it to the Runtime/Libraries folder for either/or/and Poser 9 content and DAZ content that are in My Documents folders? Will the models (without shaders, etc) then be avalable to me if compatible with C-8?
The documentation I originally got for Cararra seems to be dated 2007, is there a more up to date version someplace? OK found manual above. Wish DAZ would get rid of that old link you get after buying it and put this one up!
ETA: When I see the bundle and click on any product in the library, it has a green icon for DIM...but I can't get these products to show up in the DIM. I learned that Cararra had to be manually downloaded, so did that's the bundle content that is making me nuts. Sorry to be so confused, but the DAZ site keeps crashing today.
Thanks! SileneUK
Basicwear for M4
Basicwear for V4A4G4 and Elite
Carrara 8 Native Content
Carrara 8.5 BETA
Carrara Hair Caps
DigitalPainters 3DPaint Brushes Sampler
Howies Snow Scene
M4 High Res Shaders for Carrara 7
Michael 4 Base
V4 High Res Shaders for Carrara 7
Victoria 4.2 Base
There is a separate native content download that needs to be installed into the same directory that C8 is installed to. I do not install Carrara into the programs file directory, but to c:\Daz3D\Carrara8. That keeps some issues away.
There is another thread that deals with the brush sampler pack. Basically you need to install that into a dummy location and then move it into the correct folder. If you look through the Carrara forum for the past few days, you should see that topic.
edit - Here is the thread
Install these files into a standard Runtime. If you do not use Studio or Poser, you can add them to the Carrara Runtime directory.
Basicwear for M4
Basicwear for V4A4G4 and Elite
Michael 4 Base
Victoria 4.2 Base
Install into the main Carrara directory
Carrara 8 Native Content
V4 High Res Shaders for Carrara 7
M4 High Res Shaders for Carrara 7
Carrara Hair Caps
Howies Snow Scene
Install to dummy location and move to Carrara directory
DigitalPainters 3DPaint Brushes Sampler
Thanks are a star!!! Once I am in a programme, I dont have much trouble using it, it's getting the files/features setup in the right places that's so mind-boggling to me.
:):):) SileneUK
HI SileneUK
DIM doesn't currently allow you to download the main application, but the carrara "bundled" content should be available to download using DIM.
The problem (right now) is that the new version of DIM has just been released, (and Daz Studio) and the servers are slowly melting under the strain.
From your account / product library,. you should be able to see and download al of the products,.
or, you could wait for the servers, and traffic to settle down, ..then use DIM
You'll need to add the Carrara application path to DIM. so that it knows where to install carrara products.
Some of the bundled products are Daz3D figures like Michael and Victoria base figures, and these are "bundled to get "new users" up and running with some human models and textures. but they're Not specifically Carrara products,.
They work in Carrara, and Poser, and Daz Studio,. and they're normally installed into your "My Daz3D Library" or your "poser Runtime library"
and if you don't use either of those two programs,.. you can create a new folder for your 3D content,. and install them there.
When you install those figures,. they'll create a "Runtime" folder,.
This folder can be added to Carrara's browser,. so that you'll then see the folder structure for "figures / hair, poses / props" etc.. as you would in Poser or Daz Studio.
You can also add your existing Poser or Daz Studio folders to Carrara's browser, and those "Runtime" folders will all show up in carrara, and allow you to select and double click an item, to load it into a scene.
Some of the files are specifically for Carrara, and include Plant's and program data which need to go into Carrara's Main application folder.
Generally,. any product made for Carrara, needs to go into carrara,. and any product made for Daz Studio, or Poser, should be installed to your Library for those programs.
So, for example: the Carrara High-Res shaders for V4 / M4,. should be installed into the main carrara application folder.
the Main Carrara application, and the "carrara native content" are the two most important files. Once you've installed those, you have carrara, and all it's example scenes / objects / lights / shaders,..and scene wizards
all the other Bundled stuff,. is simply there as a Bonus, or starter kit, if you don't have any 3D content.
If you already have Daz Studio, or Poser, and some content in those programs,. then you can get carrara to scan for those runtime folders, or add them manually to the browser.
here's some pages to help get you started.
NOTE: Genesis and smart content,. will currently only work in the "Beta" version of Carrara 8.5
The Beta version should be installed into a separate folder,. and Not into your Carrara 8 pro folder.
hope it helps :)
Thank you 3DAGE for taking all that time to explain. I just finished sorting my DAZ content paths in DIM. I think because I got a new computer with Windows7 a year or so ago, I made the mistake of using their migrating tool to move my files/apps over to W7 from my old XP computer. Big mistake because it brought a lot of duplicate document folders and other rubbish over to the W7. DOH? I have realised that somethings were not being shared between the original MY Documents file and the PUBLIC documents file. Fixed that. The sharing utility was not functioning properly.
Per ncamp I now have Native Content in its proper home.
So...I will now add C-8 to DIM for future Cararra only content. I do have DAZ and Poser. So am happy enough to have the share-able files live there. Will look for the Cararra only shaders next.
I have more file moving/cleaning housekeeping to do may have questions tomorrow if you guys are around. Thanks for the help. I really like the programme, it does everything and I love having more control over morphs, etc. Am only making stills for illustrations that will ultimately be 2D. I just want to be able to move and pose my scenes.
Feel much better now! Thanks, again. :) Silene
your welcome ,. I'm glad to help. :)
there's always someone helpful in the Carrara forum,. so, feel free to ask any question you have.
hopefully those pages I linked to (above) will help get you going. and maybe answer a few questions too.
And when you have something you feel comfortable sharing, please do! I love seeing what people do with Carrara.
A must-see sight for Carrara is the Carrara Cafe. It's currently getting a face lift and new features added, so check back often. There's news, tutorials, freebies, etc.
Thanks again ncamp, 3DAGE and evilproducer....
I am still not able to see M4 or V4 base/figure in C-8. I can lonly load Victoria's red knickers from her clothing!!! I see loks of thumbnail images of other content/characters, but as was warned, they won't load if not compatible for Cararra. Where should the M4 V4 files be, maybe there are in the wrong place or deep inside Runtime and not accessible? I can see them in the DAZ files.
What about uninstalling everything.... DAZ and Cararra programmes and reinstalling them? Is there a limit on how many times you can do that , and will the the serial numbers be OK? I know I can install and uninstall my Adobe Creative Suite when I change machines with no trouble...and THEY all migrate to their proper directories!
But will read the links given to me first......
Cheers, Silene
HI :)
You can un-install and re-install as may times as you want,, the serial numbers won't be effected...
BUT,. you probably don't need to do that,
Daz3D / Poser content normally installs to a Library, or Runtime folder,. so all you need to do is tell carrara where those main folders are,. (you don't select the actual "Runtime" folder,. you select the main folder which contains the "Runtime") EG: C: / program files / Poser 9
There's also an option to have Carrara scan your drive for "content" folders, and add then automatically,. but that can take a while.
So, it's usually faster to use the "Add Runtime" option from the browser (see pic)
Thanks 3DAGE, I unstalled everything... Poser, Cararra, DAZ and some other freebie ones I started with like MakeHuman and Blender and stopped using. So am going for a clean reinstall. FIngers crossed. Thanks for the above...I thought I had to point it at I obviously was missing files. After I reinstall things I am going to spend time reading the Cararra documentation pdf and the first steps as well...just to be sure things are where they should be. Sadly I chose a Firday afternoon when to do all this re-downloading when everyone is online! So may have to continue this over the weekend.
Again cheers for the advice...Cararra people are very helpful and non-judgmental....much appreciated.
;') Silene
ETA I think I had deeper file issues with things being in wrong places etc as I did not start out with DIM, then got DIM, then found things were going is different document areas. Am being much more careful now.
Am I recalling something wrong, or did M4 and V4 need initializing? Or was that only for DAZ Studio?
They need to be initialized regardless of the application -- the morph channels aren't embedded in the .cr2. If you install with DIM it will initialize, as will the installers; if you unzip manually you'll need to perform the initialization manually as well.
Good to know! It's been years since I had to go through the installation process.
Hello evilprocuder, ncamp, 3DAGE, fixmypcmike,
Thanks for all the help. Am getting there! The DAZ stuff has all now loaded correctly in Content and what is compatible with C-8 is now showing up...even M4 and V4 finally! Almost had a moment of fright when I set up DIM to download C-8 content in my Prod Lib and nothing showed up last night no matter how many refreshes I didn. Then wah-lah...this morning they were all there. The ones that were in the list that ncamp mentioned. DIM installed them all to the right path I'd created for C-8 in DIM. YAY!!!
Have also re-downloaded Poser. And will point to that content to see what I can pick up for C-8.
There are some DAZ items I got from Share CG...which I have to install manually in DAZ. But that's a DAZ topic and will go over there when I get to that point.
I will have some more questions...but tfor the next few days I have to do some work for my job (2D business stuff... not very exciting or creative), but will get back to this when I can as this project is done at end of the month. I picked up this project doing all their signage/placards/badges because I am want to tout my e-book cover creation service for this literary conference. My samples are at the link below. I like 2-D, it's what I am used to creating business logos, brochures, etc for several years, but 3-D rocks and I really want to learn so I can create children's graphic stories for e-books, which I can create myself. I think more and more e-readers will be going full colour. I am not a free-hand artist, so if I have solid 3-D characters, then I can dress, move and pose them for the stories. So all the help is really really appreciated. (the main website is my husband's old school!)
Can't thank you all enough for helping a newbie.
3DAGE I did a search for something and saw how patiently you answered a question almost identical to mine a year ago. xxx000xxx to you!
I'll be back!
:) Silene
Andy (3dage) is a true Carrara gem!
The nice thing about 3D and 2D is that they're not mutually exclusive! Carrara has some nice tools to help you composite your 3D elements with your 2D elements.
Good luck on your projects!