Ivy's parrot pose & aniblock set for 3D UNIVERSE Toon Parrot.

IvyIvy Posts: 7,164

Ivy's Parrot Poses  & aniblocks for 3DU toon Parrot  Download link on Sharecg.com

I created these poses and aniblocks for a animated film project.
These are designed for animation use, but will work well for any still renders..
The flying aniblocks are stackable and can be joined together,
I have included a Animated pose folder,

the aniblocks and poses are completely hand keyframe and saved and exported with AniMate2

These poses & aniblocks are free to use for commercial and non-commercial use under creative common License.
Please Do-Not redistubution or include these poses with any other pose packages for sale or free sharing.


Happy New Years

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