Use full body morph on one body part (geometry did not match)

Followed advice somewhere here and I had to change the mesh resolution to zero and export as obj with and without morphs, loaded with morph loader pro no problems. Import to blender without morph obj and with morph morph obj removed the stuff I didn't need from with morph obj form without morph obj. Used crl j with I was informed that's how you combine figures in blender, export as obj loaded with morph loader and got geometry did now match error. Is what I'm trying to do impossible or somethine? I even inported and exported keep very order but that might have made it worse.
If you deleted soem mesh and added other it probably won't work - the vertex order (the order in which the points are listed in the OBJ file) must remain constant. Could you not load both into separate layers and then conform the aeas of the morphed version that you wanted to smooth to the unmorphed version?
Note that you can do soemthing like this in DS - export as OBJ, create a dForm, edit its weight map so that it is zero in the areas you want to have the base shape and 1 where you want the morph, with transitional areas at intermediate values, then load the OBJ through Morph Loader pro and use the Attenuate settings to apply the dForm's weight map.
Apply a dForm to the figure (Create>New dForm). Now if you switch to the Node Weight Map brush Tool and look in the Tool Settings pane you should see Influence Weights listed as an Available Map - click Add Map and use the Node Weight Map brush and Geometry Editor to edit the weight map.
In Scene tab select your new dForm - after that you will be able to get to Influence weights map. After painting weight map switch selection back to load morph and attenuate it by new weight map (1/-1 would work as accept/reject based on your map). After your morph is set up and tested save it as save as/save supported asset/morph asset - be carefull with names and author so you don't save over something wital.
Thank you Richard - this little bit of knowledge about weight maps - it was exactly what I needed :)
@ falkathano
Here I have a good step by step tutorial with a picture
how to use the Weight Map of a dForm Field with the Attenuate By option in the Morphloader Pro. Its not exactly what you want to do but it explaines some steps. Most important is the 2. step: change dForm Filed Influence property from sphere to weightmap - then you should see the unused map in the Weightmap Brush - Tool Settings.
A morph mask field / moving morph
If you prefer a youtube video here it is:
Using a Mask when Importing Morphs - Xenic101
@ Syrus_Dante TY very much I have been looking for something very like this myself. BB