How to save clothing item with corrected rigidity settings

andya_b341b7c5f5andya_b341b7c5f5 Posts: 694

I am trying to get this G2F outfit working on G3F.  The jacket autofits to G3F satisfactorily, but when applying G3F morphs (e.g. Weight) the buttons distort and fold horribly.  I have identified that there is no working rigidity set up for the buttons and belt buckle, and have fixed this so the buttons retain their shape as far as seems possible.  So far so good.

Two questions now arise.

1.  How to save the jacket with the updated rigidity settings (I defined the missing references and painted the weight map), so I can load it on to G3F characters in future and have the buttons retain their shape.  I'd rather not have to fix the rigidity each time I load it.  I have tried saving as a Figure/Prop asset and Studio crashes hard every time (DS 4.9 Beta).  Is there another way to achieve this?

2.  When morphs push the front of the jacket outward, the buttons now disappear under the jacket.  They are discrete meshes not connected to the jacket in any way, for some reason.  How can I prevent this and have the buttons stay attached to the cloth like real buttons do as the morph is applied?

Any suggestions appreciated.

Post edited by andya_b341b7c5f5 on


  • Product link

    1) How did you isntall the original? Saving as a Figure asset should work, and certainly shouldn't cause a crash, but there might be probelems if you installed with Connect (and I'm pretty sure the original Connect version would be the one loaded). I would suggest using a Wearables preset, or simply a Scene Subset, to save the chnaged version and to load it in future.

    2) if you set a reference polygon on the jacket under the button then the button should follow (you do need to make each piece a separate Rigidity Group). Another option is to remove the buttons from the mesh and make them pareted props with Rigid Follow Nodes defined on the jacket where they should attach (again, one node per button).

  • andya_b341b7c5f5andya_b341b7c5f5 Posts: 694
    edited January 2018

    Thanks Richard.

    1) I installed using DIM.  I agree Studio shouldn't crash, but it does, and it is reproducible.  I would report with the crash report but the URL that the crash report says to use does not work, thus making it hard to report bugs.  Wearables preset and scene subset both mean I have to save the figure I've tested it on as well - I want just the jacket so I can load it on to other G3F figures.

    2)  I tried setting references on the jacket underneath the buttons - the buttons distorted when I did that.  They only keep rigid if the references are all on the one of the buttons, and then the don't follow the jacket fully.  So I think creating new buttons and attaching them to rigid follow nodes while hiding the geometry of the existing buttons may be the only solution to this part of the problem.

    Post edited by andya_b341b7c5f5 on
  • Bug/crash reports - open a techincal Support ticket and atach the crash report zip, as well as steps to reproduce.

    A wearables preset doesn't save the base figure, just the (parented) wearables thata re checked in the option dialogue.

    As I said, for rigidity to work you really need a separate group for each item.

  • Bug/crash reports - open a techincal Support ticket and atach the crash report zip, as well as steps to reproduce.

    Sure, but the dialog that appears when DS crashes says to send bug reports to ; That should work (it gives a 404) or be corrected.  Not encouraging bug reports exactly to continue to give a broken URL.

    A wearables preset doesn't save the base figure, just the (parented) wearables thata re checked in the option dialogue.

    Sorry, have to disagree.  Maybe should work like that but in the Nodes list of the Wearables Preset Save Options dialog, only Genesis 3 Female is listed.  If I try to uncheck this and save, it insists I must select one item.  All I have in the scene is base G3F and the jacket autofitted to G3F as a knee-length dress and thus parented to G3F.  If I save with G3F node checked, when I load the preset all I get is a G3F without the jacket.  That's true whether there is already a G3F in the scene or it is entirely empty.    So it seems to save the base figure, and not the jacket.

    As I said, for rigidity to work you really need a separate group for each item.

    I can try that, but 'there can be only one' rigidity map, right?  Which is confusing me a bit as it seems more logical to have a map for each rigidity group.

  • Did you have the clothes parented to the figure as well as fitted? A Wearables preset will look only at parented items, not items which are fitted but not parented.

  • Did you have the clothes parented to the figure as well as fitted? A Wearables preset will look only at parented items, not items which are fitted but not parented.

    Yes, the jacket is/was definitely parented to the G3F figure.

    I have now got something bearable worked out using rigid follow nodes and separate objects for the buttons and the buckle.  Not perfect but better than I could achieve with rigidity group(s).  Thanks for pointing me in that direction.  Now I will try removing the rigidity groups and map as the buttons/buckles they apply to are hidden.  Perhaps this will allow me to save the jacket as a figure/prop or a wearable without DS crashing.

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    So... I just tried to save an item after building in some rigidity, and the rigidity did not save with the item.  Two items in fact.

    I can't figure out if I have to do something special...there doesn't seem to be an option I am missing. To be clear, its not crashing on me. Its just not saving the rigidity parameters or maps.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    So it was Rigidity Groups, not Rigid Follow Nodes? Did you save as asset or just a scene/scene subset/wearables preset/character preset used to load a new figure?

  • MadaMada Posts: 2,025
    edited March 2018

    You have to save rigid follow nodes as a wearable preset (with Genesis selected before you choose save as wearable preset). Untick all boxes (like eyelashes) so that only the item you want to save is selected. Make sure that you saved the buttons as props first before you save a wearable preset.

    Post edited by Mada on
  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466
    edited March 2018

    It is rigidity, with groups and a map; not rigid follow nodes.

    I saved it as a Figure/Prop Asset.


    I've tried 4 times now, all with the same result: rigidity disappears. No groups, no maps... nothing.

    Post edited by evilded777 on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    But you are modifying a pre-existing piece of content? If it's not yours, how did you install - if connect, and if you kept the names the same, it may well not be seeing your modification on loading.

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    Yes I am modifying existing content. It is installed via Connect, but it is saved seperately in a distinct location. I believe the name is different as well.

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    Just did it for a fifth time.  Saved in a distinct location as Figure/Prop Asset, gave it a unique name.  Close the scene and load the item... everything gone. Reload the saved scene where I did all the work... work GONE!

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    You changed the content directory at the top of the options dialogue, as well as chnaging the Author/Product names?

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    You changed the content directory at the top of the options dialogue, as well as chnaging the Author/Product names?

    Perhaps not...

    But that does not explain why the saved scene came back with nothing. Can't check right now because I am rendering with settings applied and I don't want to lose them.

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    You changed the content directory at the top of the options dialogue, as well as chnaging the Author/Product names?

    Perhaps not...

    But that does not explain why the saved scene came back with nothing. Can't check right now because I am rendering with settings applied and I don't want to lose them.

    It would appear that I needed to change the name of the item when I saved it as an asset. Giving it a new file name is not enough.  Still doesn't explain why the saved scene does not retain the properties...

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