"Poser" Format? OK In Carrara?

The Product "Villainous Lair" says the following:
Compatible Software: DAZ Studio 4.10, Poser
Villainous Lair: (.DUF .CR2 and .OBJ)
Poser Material Presets (.MC6)
This product includes:
1 DSON Core Installer
1 Poser Companion Files Installer
I don't recall seeing this combination before, but normally "Poser Core Installer" is what I look for for Carrara use. Is this gonna work in Carrara?
Ah you would need the DSON importer to get that into Poser, That's what the Poser CF is all about.
The Poser Material files (MC6) also won't work in Carrara, but the CR2 should. I'm not sure if that means that it's mostly using procedural node-based shader materials or what.
Okay... (helps to give a link to the store page) I see that it does come with "196 Texture Maps, including Normal, Bump, Metallic & Roughness Maps (4096 x 4096)", which means that we can at least build our own shaders in Carrara. Not sure why only MC6 files are included. Those artists have been pretty good at supporting Poser formats better, like including PZ2, etc.,
Of course, EddyMI's MC6/MC5 to PZ2 Batch Convertor should do the tring in providing some nice PZ2 material applying files for your Pose menu! ;)
OK, thanks to you both. I think I'll pass.
It's due to a change in the way Poser wroks, Newer versions it is easier the save a material collection (MC) than to build a PZ2. They have changed python versions and many of us who were used to using helpful python scripts, such as Shader Spider, have suddenly found they fo not work in Poser versions > 7
Bummer. Looks like a great set, and I'd bet it works great in Carrara. I'm used to building my own shaders from just the texture files, so this one would go directly into my Cart.
It's the ones without texture maps that use MC5 or 6 files that are tougher, like TerraDome 2, for example.
But there's still the risk that the model or figure might load in without any textures. In those cases (in some cases) it can become difficult to determine which maps go with which domains. Again, seeing who made this one, I bet it would be a smooth sail.
I love David Brinnen's work and I love Forbidden Whisper's work!
DB & FW are awesome
I own a bunch of their products, and I've got a dozen or so more in my wishlist, all with "Poser Core Installers". I don't know why the "Villainous Lair"is the only one that doesn't have that.
It does have poser core installers........
DAZ have started putting DSON core down, and I have no idea why.
Our sets always have FULL native poser support.
Store page needs editing, because the description is misleading. I would have passed it by having read it.
...and I really appreciate that! That's why when it comes to your stuff, I don't even check for that - unless someone wants me to ;)
Hey, thanks to you and David, and the other great artists you work with. You fill my runtimes with Awesome!
OK, great, its back on my wishlist. At least one other of your products has the same problem: "Our Permanent Address - Private Graveyard"