For anyone who uses Layer Image Editor.
So I have the LIE which seems to work ok and I also have the stuff that goes with it like the One Click Wounds and Grime-enator. I am lost though on how to actually apply these things through the LIE. I see the One Click Wounds visible in my pose content box on the left though. How exactly do I get these things working via the LIE? is there a specific location to get them from via the LIE?
I using Daz 3 by the way although I don't think it really matters which version.
They are applied with the preset in the content folder - you need to use the LIE only if you wish to adjust them.
You'll want to access the folder that they're stored in (Usually Runtime\Textures\dragonstorm\OneClickWounds) and apply them manually onto the figure using the LIE. Add a new layer in the LIE by hitting the + button and load up the wound required as a resource using multiplicative blend. Scale and position the wound over the target area and then click accept.
It will appear on the model instantly and should render fine in your choice of render engine.
To be fair, the presets don't appear to work. I think they were specifically designed for use in Poser and thus have no effect in Daz Studio. using the LIE is how I've had to apply them since switching over from Poser Pro. Getting them to work in Daz Studio is a cinch though, so it's no big deal in my humble opinion.
The presets should work, as long as you are using the DS version -they do here (or did, last time I tried).
Thankyou all!
Can you please tell me exactly how to do this bit please? also when I try and use the pics of the wounds they are not really any use as they come up like this in a white box:
One issue:
where is the link to the software lie?
DAZ3D has tutorials on how to use L.I.E. on YouTube.
For DAZ Studio 3
For DAZ Studio 4
But, as Richard said you don't need L.I.E. for these products...
If the overlays are intended for a specific figure you just need to select the figure.. For the Hybrid Grunge set, or similar, you then go to the Surface tab, and select which materials you want to apply to. And then double click on the preset.
It's built into Daz. When you go to add a texture into a surface, there is an option for Layered Image Editor in the drop down. Using this option will open it up.
Can you please tell me exactly how to do this bit please? also when I try and use the pics of the wounds they are not really any use as they come up like this in a white box:
You need to change the blend mode to multiplicative as I mentioned in my post. The alternative is to edit them in a program like Photoshop and replace the white background with transparency, but that's needlessly long winded. Blend mode is shown underneath the colour swatch on the right hand side, which is also underneath the resource and + buttons you'll need.
Just ensure that you ADD it as a layer. If you refer to my image you'll see there are two layers, one of which being the original texture image and the second being the one-click-wound texture. If you simply replace the original texture resource, you'll get unwanted results.