Issues with Large 3D Animation Scenes Light and Replication

I run though two main issues you'll face with large scenes. How to handle light and Replication.
(Tutorial Part 1)
(Tutorial Part 2)
*This could take a while! - But I'll add when I'm certain of the right answer*
I am experimenting with moving lights, different lighting rigs per shot within a scene to solve the lighting issue. Another approach (not in the video is to reduce the objects size).
I've tried this with a very large file, reducing objects to just 1 percent of their original size. It brings it's own lighting issues (shadows don't always work).
With replication, too much will slow down the saving of your scene file. When it's a large scene file the save action can slow to a huge 8-10minutes! (Hopeless).
So a mix of larger objects (copying within objects) and replication and (of course) reducing your objects down is essential. Indeed I am looking to swap and out different versions of the model (low poly vs high poly) according to the shot.
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