After Update Daz is Unusable

Installed 4.10 after my GoZ bridge started crashing zbrush. I don't know exactly how to describe what happened next so I sent a picture. Anyone know what's up with that. Oh and Daz won't uninstall in DIM, its not in programs and features, and in the windows folder the uninstall option did not work. Anyone got any ideas?
Everything was fine yesterday.

1813 x 954 - 120K
Nevermind about the program. Did a clean install and it worked. Now it appeared in my DIM. Hmmmm... But zbrush bridge still won't work even though I installed Goz for 4.10
Manually reinstalled Goz. Went into Pixelogic goz daz folder. Noted there was no file location text file.. Restored the file from recycle bin. Now it works. So basically.....nevermind.
When your DS interface become white as in your screenshot after an update it usually means that you tried to update DS while it was running. The fix is to reinstall it after making sure it is actually closed (check in the task manager that the process is gone after closing the UI, it can take a bit of time to really stop).