dForce Angel of Death for Midnight Skeleton & Genesis 3 Male[Released]

“dForce Angel of Death for Midnight Skeleton” is the first dForce product by Midnight_stories. This is a Dforce only product and uses all the features of the new Daz Studio physics engine. There’s a robe a collar cover, an evil hourglass and a classic reaper scythe. There are 5 material sets black gray brown red and white. There’s also transparency map presets to get that torn and ripped look, plus gold and silver trim can be applied. The hourglass has a glow shader so you can turn it into a light. I’ve made it as easy as possible to use the physics simulation with wearable and sub-set that have the physics weight map already applied, but if you want to get started straight away I have made 2 scenes with everything setup for you, all you have to do is apply a pose to the Midnight Skeleton and hit the simulate button. There’s 7 poses to get you going and 5 Hierarchical Poses with the props already fitted. If in doubt I have provided a walk-through video. So get out there! and start creating you own Angel of Death scene!. As an added BONUS ! I have made a mound with scatted bones on the edges it comes in three different colors. Please note this is only has Iray shader.
Tutorial Video,
sorry this went a bit longer than what I thought I kept adding to it.
Genesis 3 Male Tutorial
Yes it will work with Genesis 3 Male, see video !
Animation Demo

Oooh Interesting - will this robe work on G3M or G8M as well? (Haven't watched the videos yet if it says in them as I am at work)
Whoa this is awesome!
Yes it will work on G3M
1. Load G3M
2. go to \People\Midnight Skeleton\Clothing\Wearables drag and drop "AoD Robe" onto G3M
3. Add a plane primitive for the floor say 2m by 2m
4. go to \People\Midnight Skeleton\Clothing\ and double click on the "AoD !Normal Simulation" to apply the settings.
5. Make sure you have your animation timeline open. go to frame 60 apply a G3M pose. Don't worry about the poke through they will come out in the sim.
6. Make sure you have your Simulation Setting open and hit "Simulate" all done!
Will do a quick video for you.
Great - now I have an idea for G3M aging into the Skeleton...
I noticed that the last windows 10 update wiped out the openCL drivers and dForce didn't work, so had to reinstall openCL again and it was working fine !
Does the hood have wearing in/out poses? moving hood off with Death hand?
I noticed that too. So much for MS saying that updates don't interfere with anything. I have to redo my Windows Explorer windows every single time for every window type.
I did try to get a morph in to get the hood down but the weight maps from dForce kept fighting me. In theory you could paint back the hood part so it would get effected by the force.
Here's a Friar Tuck test with G3M, I don't think George will make it ?
very nice
does it work also with genesis 8 ?
i use the 2 ;)
No not really, it's the auto fit that lets it down the dForce weight maps do come over with out problems but the the autofit under the arm poke though. I may do something for March Madness to make it easier !
I bought it, please do a future update for the hood to wear off, that would be awesome
I'm working on the G3F one at the moment so I've made one, but remember it won't be dynamic as the dForce weight map
is intended for the hood to be up and you can only have one map for dForce. Here's some WIP
thanks, looks great
let me say I loved the circle of skulls, this kind of details details are always a great imprevement for storytelling
If you also sell add-ons for bloody/stripped textures for this Angel of Death of Midnight Skeleton I will buy for sure too
Pat yourself on the back I'm adding the morph in because of your suggestions.
I just put it in the G8M version and it's working fine with dForce, cheers !