Commercial: DP Carrara Master Collection Shaders

Eighty stunning shaders for Carrara 8. DP Master Collection Shaders will bring stunning realism to your Carrara scenes using the most powerful texture room features: Anisotropic, sub-surface scattering, transparency absorption, fresnel, translucency and much more. From Faux Finish paints, corrosion, beautiful woods, crystals, metals, paints and much more.
30 % OFF.
Here are samples of the shaders.

500 x 650 - 196K

500 x 650 - 156K

500 x 650 - 183K

500 x 650 - 179K
More samples images.
Geez Ringo
I thought you had run away or something. The new set looks great.
We have needed some car paint for awhile.
I stuck it in my wishlist (no money now).
Question: Will this work in Carrara 7Pro?
They're just shaders, so I see no reason they wouldn't, but better to ask.
I been keeping up with Carrara and I'm back creating shaders and other products for Carrara. I have send you a PM regarding Carrara 7.
Ringo Monfort
more samples.
additional sample
I would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone that has supported the sale of the
DP Carrara Master Collection Shaders.
Ringo Monfort
I been keeping up with Carrara and I'm back creating shaders and other products for Carrara. I have send you a PM regarding Carrara 7.
Ringo Monfort
Why PM? Tsarist isn't the only one still using C7. ;-) Do they work in earlier versions or do they use functions specific to C8 and later?
They look great by the way. Really cool!
Why PM? Tsarist isn't the only one still using C7. ;-) Do they work in earlier versions or do they use functions specific to C8 and later?
They look great by the way. Really cool!
Here are the good news. I just tried them in Carrara 7 and they do work. Take a look at the render image done in C7.
Thanks for the kind words.. Lots of work went into getting them done.
Ringo Monfort
Very nice! Thanks! I'll add them to my wishlist!
Now to see if the new DIM will install them for me... ;-)
Cargo Unit 2, using DP-Carrara Master Collection Shaders.
Using DP-Carrara Master Collection Shaders. Global Illumination, Indirect Lighting, Caustics.
DP-Carrara Master Collection Shaders. Render sample of the metals.
The Faux Paint Shaders in the set.
Using shaders from the DP Carrara Master Collection to shade this truck and render with HDRI and GI.
These shaders are great and I've bought them. I'm interested in your other products but I'm not sure if these new shaders are updates of older ones or completely new. I'm interested in the DP - Ultimate Carrara Bundle but haven't bought it yet in case I'm duplicating purchases. I also use Carrara 8.5 - do all your older products work in 8.5? Thanks for making these available. I hope you keep on producing such excellent work.
First thank you for your purchase and kind comments. All the older products do work with Carrara 8.5 and I would suggest getting the DP- Ultimate Carrara Bundle, they are very different shaders!
Best Regards
Ringo Monfort.
Using shaders from the DP Carrara Master Collection to shade this truck and render with HDRI and GI.
3 of the metalic paints.