Michael 4 to genesis 3

I'm using the geo graphs to place the M4 maps on genesis 3 but the I cat figure out how to map or cover up the geo graphs. does any one know what the problem is?

Screenshot (1).png
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Screenshot (2).png
1680 x 1050 - 864K


  • The geografts must be selected in the Scene tab when you load the textures.

  • I selected the legacy gm3 head and nothing happened when i tried to apply the texture. Is there a video somewhere because i want to cry. I tried indivially adding stuff and group adding as you can see in the picture
  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,115

    Did you save the original maps as .duf files. I think that they have to be in the duf format in order to be applied to the later figures.

    Also, if you are trying to use the base maps that came with M4, the hips are applied separately to M4 as is the torso. For maps that are set up like this, you will have to use Photoshop or GIMP or a similar program to make a map that combines the two. I think there were instructions to help you do this at least one of the products. Caymen also explained how to do this in one of his product threads in answer to a question I asked.

  • You have to select every part as Cayman Studios said. Hold CTRL key while selecting to have everything selected in yellow. Everything means everything, Genesis 3 Male, Gens, Legacy gens Legacy head, legs and shoulders l/r. Then you can apply M4 Mats.
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,343

    Is this the Cayman Studio Product? It's called Legacy UVs for Genesis 3: Michael 4? If so I know your frustration a bit from when I used that product.

    1) Select Genesis 3 Male

    2) Smart Content: Utilities-> Preset: Prepare G3M (Content Library - People - Genesis 3 Male - Anatomy - Legacy UVs)

    3)  Smart Content: Utilities-> Preset: Apply M4 UVs (double left mouse button click)

    4) (Scene Tab - Right Mouse Click Select - Clear Selection)

    5) Smart Content - Michael 4 - Left Mouse Button - double click to load Michael 4 into scene  

    6) Scene Tab - Left Mouse Button single click on michael 4 

    7) Content Library - Products - M - Michael 4 - Material - M4 Standard-Res -> Preset !All_Natural left mouse button double click  (or another material / texture preset)

    8) LMB - File - Save As - Material(s) Preset - (navigate to where on yur computer you want to save your michael 4 material preset as a .duf file you can use on Michael 4 Legacy UVs on Genesis 3 Male 

         i) Best to save the file in your DAZ Content Library Folder - same flder that has folders called data, runtime, and Presets. In the Presets folder in the Materials folder create a directory called YourInitial or YouName or ... and then Michael 4 and then save your material preset of Michael 4.duf 

    9)   Smart Content: Utilities-> Preset: Apply M4 UVs (double left mouse button click)

    10) Content Library -  Presets - Materials - YourName - Michael 4 - Michael 4.duf : Apply M4 UVs double left mouse button click

    Little Know Facts:

    a) If your DAZ Studio product texture preset ends with .ds instead of .duf you must load a M4 or V4 character and load the texture and save a material preset from the M4 or V4 character and then use that saved material preset to load onto your G3M or G3F.

    b) Same applies for texture presets that end in mc6 or pz2 

    c) If it ends in .daz then I think you must load also on M4 or V4 and save as .duf for newer Genesis (please someone sorrect me if I'm wrong.

    My directions are a bit messy but not too much.

  • Thanks, i actually did that before and still had the problem but daz just sent me a little avi video that gave me the missing puzzle piece. I didn't know i had to load a m4 compatible character first and save it as a material preset and then apply that preset to the g3 geographed character. I was applying each map one at a time and it was leaving the geographs exposed. You did however help with the genitalia map. I finally got that to work too. Thanks.
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,343

    You are not allowed to have images of human buttocks, genitalia or female breast nipples on the forums so you should delete that image. 

    It still aggravates me that I had to save those ds, mc6, and pz2 files as duf files.

    What I eventually did was buy a product at Renderosity called 'Texture Transformer 2.0' by BlackSmith and convert M4 and V4 textures to native Genesis 3 textures.  That is a bit expensive though but those products go on sale from time to time.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,630

    You are not allowed to have images of human buttocks, genitalia or female breast nipples on the forums so you should delete that image. 

    It still aggravates me that I had to save those ds, mc6, and pz2 files as duf files.

    What I eventually did was buy a product at Renderosity called 'Texture Transformer 2.0' by BlackSmith and convert M4 and V4 textures to native Genesis 3 textures.  That is a bit expensive though but those products go on sale from time to time.

    Ultimate Unwrap 3D repaint will also do this

    and for free Blender

  • kittynoirkittynoir Posts: 25
    edited January 2018

    thanks for the tip, It was part of the problem I was having so I didn't think it was a big deal to let people see what I was having issues with. BTW, that little video that daz sent me was so simple that I didn't have to apply each texture one at a time. It wasn't even nessasary to buy the texture transformer. I thought about getting that before, but now I know it's not needed.

    Load a m4 compatible male

    save as a material preset

    delete character

    load a g3 male

    apply the legacy geographs

    then apply the saved m4 compatible material preset.

    then hit the apply m4 uv button.

    that it.

    Post edited by kittynoir on
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