Genesis/Gen 4 Ballet Poses
Does anyone know if there are any ballet poses for Genesis out there? Performance or practice, I'll take anything.
For Gen 4, I'm particularly looking for MALE poses, or practice poses (at the bar, the basic steps, etc). There's quite a few V4 pose sets, and I found a couple set on RDNA (though if anyone knows of others, I'd be interested), but it's been very difficult to find anything for Michael. :/
Cheers guys.
I agree. I have the ones from RDNA, and wish they had the poses for the guys since they're in the promos, so you'd think they would be available too, even if in a separate pack. Oh wait, I think I'm think of the promos for the ballet outfits. I'll have to check on the promos for the poses, but in any case, I don't think they have poses for M4. OK, I just checked and I was wrong again. There's a set of couple poses.
You can see them here -->
Unfortunately, I can't think of any for Genesis off hand.
I just picked up this dance post set which includes 5 ballet poses for both M4 and V4. The promo pics has images of all 10 poses.
Two more couple pose sets for Gen4:
you can use poses for V4 on Genesis also - as far as I know there aren't any specifically for Genesis, but I did pick up for V4 and have used them on Genesis. You may have to tweak feet and hands or fingers, but by and large, V4 poses work quite successfully on Genesis.
I used the Movement for V4 poses on Genesis in this pic:
so try your V4 poses on Genesis.
Oh God, wouldn't mind a few sets, myself! I have a friend who dances and is ALWAYS looking for ballet stuff to do with Genesis.