how could I change the V4 face in Carrara

Sorry guys...I know this is probably pretty basic but I want to get a v4 figure to use a different face map.
It seems to be referencing the body map and I want to reference the face map.(Ashely)
Any good tutorials anywhere.
Thanks alot
HI Joe Public :)
I'll assume that it's Teen "Ashley". which should come with a set of Poser "Mat" files to apply the textures.
So,. you would load those Mat's, in same way you would in Poser or in Daz Studio.
You go to your Runtime, locate the product thumbnails and double click to load them onto the Selected figure.
It makes no difference If you don't use Poser,.. and only have Daz Studio, (Daz Studio has a "Runtime" folder) for all it's Poser format Content.
You simply add the DS runtime folder to your Carrara Content Browser, and you can see and load all your models, poses and materials.
You can either Add the Runtime folder manually by using the little button on the top right of the Browser area, to browse to it.,
You can have Carrara auto detect any Runtime folders.
Because this is a V4 figure, you can also use any V4 skin texture on it.
Because the shaders were originally designed for use in Poser, you may need to make some adjustments to the Shininess in the Carrara shader room.
Hope it helps :)
If you locate the texture/material files that you want to use, you can apply them directly using the shader editor in carrara. The editor will show you the names of the available shader domains on your figure. And, If you know of another character's skin you want to use, you should be able to locate the texture files by checking the shader information from within DAZ studio, with that character loaded. Usually, the paths and file names will the same or similar to what you see in the content display. I hope that helps.