Daz Connect vs Install Manager

When an item has been installed via the Daz Install Manager and shows up in the "Installed" panel of the Smart Content. I have noticed that if you RIGHT-CLICK on that item it offers the option to "Install"... Is that simply a "re-installation" of the product originally installed or is it something different????
I refuse to use Connect so I amy be wrong ... but, you REALLY do not want to install a product via both methods, either use DIM or use Connet. They install to wholly different locations in a slightly different directory structure so, aagian, don't use or install using both methods!
Installing via Connect shold copy the files from the DIM install (as long as they are compressed and are up-to-date) into the /Data/Cloud/1_SKU folder. Once nstalled via connect the DIM install files will not be used.