Daz Connect vs Install Manager

When an item has been installed via the Daz Install Manager and shows up in the "Installed" panel of the Smart Content. I have noticed that if you RIGHT-CLICK on that item it offers the option to "Install"...    Is that simply a "re-installation" of the product originally installed or is it something different????    


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    I refuse to use Connect so I amy be wrong ... but, you REALLY do not want to install a product via both methods, either use DIM or use Connet.  They install to wholly different locations in a slightly different directory structure so, aagian, don't use or install using both methods!

  • Installing via Connect shold copy the files from the DIM install (as long as they are compressed and are up-to-date) into the /Data/Cloud/1_SKU folder. Once nstalled via connect the DIM install files will not be used.

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