Strange lighting glitch in DAZ 4.10

I recently installed DAZ 4.10 and ever since have been experiencing extremely starnge and disturbing visual glitches in the veiwport. Textures appear as bright yellow, blue, purple, red. maroon, green and even pink. The glitches appear on multple sets and props, predominantly TeslaCorp3d and Stonemasons sets.
This never happened with 4.9.4.

Daz veiwport glitch 1.png
863 x 486 - 654K

Daz veiwport glitch 2.png
873 x 489 - 434K
After restarting, resetting all defaults, updating my graphics drivers, returing to a previous restore point and doing a clean install. nothing worked. I've decided to go back to using 4.9.4 until someone either finds a fix or until an actual stable version of DAZ is released.
Do these items render properly?
Several people have reproted issues like this, and Daz is aware of them. I do notice that you have the surface overlay node highlighting on - if you go to the Draw Settings pane and set Node Highlighting>Highlight Style to Bounding Box Only does that improve matters?
They were rendering fine in Iray.
It was just in either Texture shaded or Wire-texture shaded that they started flickering violently.
I already switched back to 4.9.4, I always keep the previous installer in case of problems like this, so I can't tell if that would have helped but I did reset every setting and nothing worked.