Heres a problem I been having off and on for a while.

MidyinMidyin Posts: 221

I don't usually remember long enough to go through the trouble of making a thread about it, but it JUST happened to me, so its still fresh in my memory. 

Does anyone else here ever encounter what i've come to hatefully nickname "The Eternal Render"?

Usually, I can click Render and go do whatever. when I come back a few hours later the Render is done and everything is great. but sometimes i have moments where i come back 5-6 hours later and the render is only at like 30% for some reason. the first time I encountered this I told it to start rendering in the middle of the day. I then went to do normal life stuff, and when I was about to go to bed i checked it "Huh, still not done? thats odd..... Whatever, I'll just go to bed and it'll be done by morning." it was not done by morning..

12+ hours had past it it was still somehow at less than 50%. 


It just happened to me again today. I started rendering. Well, it winter and the weather is butt outside, so I was able to keep a close eye on my render today. at about one and a half hours in the render was at 40% fast forward a bit up until just right now. I check the render that has been cooking for 4 hours and 42 minutes. 40%... "WHAT!? HOW COULD THIS BE!?" I'm assuming my PC isnt a time traveler, so it must be somthing else.

This happens to me.... Oh, I would say about 2 times out of every 5-6 renders... 


Anyone haveing the same problem, or know why this happens?

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  • Wiggle the mouse to move the cursor. It could be your display driver is snoozing since there's no input. Sometimes I can leave the Viewport in Iray draw mode and it'll sit there not rendering until I move the mouse, especially if I'm switching between the Render tab and other top-deck tabs to tweak the scene.

    Also, the longer you leave it open and the more stuff you add to and subtract from a scene, your VRAM bloats. Once you have your scene setup finalized, save and close it out to flush the VRAM, then reboot the program and load the scene. Apps like MSI Afterburner have system tray GPU monitors that are handy for showing you how much VRAM is being used, as well as the overall load of your GPU. I don't run DS without it (mostly because it also has manual fan speed controls, and I keep them on full blast since heat causes rendering to slow down).

    Also, if you're not running with a watercooler, take the side panel off the PC case and let room air in. 

  • MidyinMidyin Posts: 221

    It must be the heat because I do move the mouse around... Well that sucks. the computer i have is pretty much all i can afford, so i theres not much i can actually do about this...

  • Are you rendering in Iray or 3Delight? What do they look like when they're in the 30% finished state?

  • MidyinMidyin Posts: 221

    Are you rendering in Iray or 3Delight? What do they look like when they're in the 30% finished state?

    I'm rendering in IRay. at 30% they look ok(you can see the image and all, but its pretty grainy. lost of off colored specleling. like trying to watch something on a staticy tv.

  • MidyinMidyin Posts: 221

    So i think I found a fix(just in case anyone else is having this same problem). 

    So, I'll render my image, and if my PC was a good boy and finished the render, then what I do is set up the next scene, but rather than Render I save the scene, then close out of DAZ completely. then I open it back up, load the scene, and click render. 

    I've been having pretty good luck doing it that way. 

  • Yup. Memory isn't flushing between scenes.

  • MidyinMidyin Posts: 221

    I shouldn't have said anything. I must have jinxed myself because that method magically isn't working anymore...

    This is why i hate computers. I look at the world with a logical "Cause and effect" mindset. computers just do things for seemingly no reason. I cant get any of my renders to finish. Why?... I don't know. because Leprechauns? lol

  • How long were you waiting between closing and re-opening DAZ|Studio? There's a lot of housekeeping/cleaning up/deleting temp files going on under the hood after the program window vanishes, and it can take a couple of minutes (sometimes longer) before D|S finishes all this and actually closes itself. If you're not sure, open the Task Manager and see if D|S or the PostgreSQL content database manager are still chugging away as a background task.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    How long were you waiting between closing and re-opening DAZ|Studio? There's a lot of housekeeping/cleaning up/deleting temp files going on under the hood after the program window vanishes, and it can take a couple of minutes (sometimes longer) before D|S finishes all this and actually closes itself. If you're not sure, open the Task Manager and see if D|S or the PostgreSQL content database manager are still chugging away as a background task.

    No kidding! And there's no real average shutdown time, either.
    Sometimes it only takes a few seconds, sometimes 5 minutes or so.
    Task manager is a way to be sure.

  • UHFUHF Posts: 515

    Coming home after 20 hours on a Reality render and seeing the log in screen after an update... *sigh*

    Lots of software has issues with sleep modes, and temp cleaning, etc.  If you're running renders that long you need to make sure the PC doesn't idle out or even kick in the screen saver.  Third party programs can also make your life difficult.

    Make sure you have the latest drivers for everything... motherboard drivers are easy to miss, but they are just as important.

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