Sets of complementing hairstyles

Okay, there's tons of different hairstyles available already, but, let's face it, one always has to look really careful if they fit to each other if one wants to set up his/her mighty heroine with a different hairstyle for the next couple of panels in the comic or the next set of pictures.

An ordinary female and even some males usually wears their hair at about the same lenght for extended periods of time. Nonetheless they change the hair's style quite often. Using hair gel, hair clippers, hair pins... whatever... they turn parts aside, plume other parts up or even do risky maneuvers like a braid and thereby change the look extremely.


So what I would like to see is - for example - a shoulder length piece of hair, which can be used perfectly all by itself. Then, with the same materials for texture, colour etc. I'd like to be able to buy an addon, which uses this basic hair (colour, structure and length) for a different style, like a short braid... or one with the hair brushed to one side, held up by a clipper... or... or... without making me go through thousands and more pages with different hairstyles in the shop to search for a "perfect fit".

And of course it would even be better to get several different styles in just one set, but I guess pricing might be a small problem here, considering the work the PA would have to put in something like that.


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