Daz3d and Render Farms

I have been looking and looking for a render farm that works with Daz... I have found several that use iray, but their only support is for 3ds max or such.  Are there no render farms that work with Daz or am I just missing something.  Is Daz just incompatible with them?


  • If they have Iray Server machines you should be able to use them DS' own interface with Iray server - though it's not something I have ever tried.

  • As far as I can tell... nope.  Every single render farm I have spoken to so far says they will not support Daz.  They support basically every other application, and they have no problem supporting iray, but only in the case of using something like 3ds max.  Apparently, Daz doesn't have the ability to do something or other by command line so no support.  I suppose I could export the entire scene into 3ds and then from there upload to a render farm but that seems like way more work than it should require.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    keep an eye on this thread https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/229856/iray-cloud-server#latest Jack might be able to help

  • Thanks I will!

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