post load script for G3F? and why do the Docs list google ads first?

G8F comes with a tools "character addon loader.dse" but G3F does not have anything of the sort. The G8F file is encrypted (... why?) so I cannot check its function to re-write a G3F version.
I found the docs for post_load_script_data_item but as no surprise there isn't really enough information in there to do anything with it.. ? There's zero explanations for the 'post load settings' window when you save a character preset either.
and while i'm here, why am I being shown ad links before any relevant content while i'm trying to search documentation?

2165 x 1281 - 351K
These features are used to load a script to handle things like the eyelashes on Genesis 8. Genesis 3 doesn't have anything that loads that way.
I understand G8F has the extra-loading lashes, however now that there are things like SuperNatural Brows for G3 and G8, it would make sense for G3F to have this feature. It would also be entirely possible to fix the Lash/Tears to G3 just like they are to G8.. I am just missing the integral component of reverse engineering/re-creating the addonloader.dse for G3F. I copied the basic 'extras' block from the character preset .dufs but without that "script" key/value pair, and the complimenting script , nothing seems to happen.
From what I understand of the functionality, the addonsloader.dse is called, and is fed these values:
I can set these values when saving G3F but nothing happens when I load the character preset, so I can only assume because there is no native parser for these settings, and that is where the 'post load -> addonsloader.dse' option comes from ( its what you see before you get to the above linked screen )
I'm not at all sure what would be needed to set up a similar tool for an older figure. I'm not sure if it is entirely relevant (it's several years old) but this thread is discussing at least a way, if not this way, of running a script after loading an item
Yeah that is what led me to make this post - that thread did not have any answers, and re-linked me back to the docs that don't have a lot of examples. I'm familiar with javascript and jQuery so this is not far off, but they don't have any kind of real working examples, everything i've tried to copy/paste as their examples aren't triggering anything in my script IDE, so I can only assume there's parts missing. I've tried opening up other scripts that aren't encrypted to see if I could get anything out of it...
There are several functions/methods available but I can't figure out the proper syntax to execute.
yet simply calling openFile('/People/Characters/Addons/AddonFileToLoad.duf',true); does not merge the said file into the scene
I suispect that you would not be able to test the loading part in the IDE (and so would need to hand code any object references since you wouldn't inherit them from the context of the script). Unfortuantely this is not a feature I have explored, despite my intentions.
Just as a (slightly amusing) side note, my ad blocker is blocking this thread, probably because it has "google-ads" in the URL.
this is what I am tinkering with at the bottom of my character preset.duf...
derived from the original G8F Loader:
just replacing that script link to a .duf does not work, its like it must be a script that then performs the opening of the .duf
is that really necessary or is there some magic extras properties I can define that will load the brows.duf ( saved as a follower/attachment/head/face/eyebrows )
making wee progress... it seems like i'm running around the barn 12 times before I go in though...
here is my script
it is post loading with these values
and my script is spitting out the AssetFile value only $$, so now all I gotta do is make it open that file >.>
That would be done with the Content Manager, which you get from the application (App.getContentMrg() ). You might need to chnage the item selection state too, to have the loaded preset applyn to the right target - all of that should be testable in the IDE, just replace the functions handling the data item with explicit details for that stage.
As for the ads, those are placed by Google - using Google search instead of the Wiki search improves performance, not just for the searchers but for geenral browsers too, but the downside of pushing the search to google is that we get the ads - this si hardly unique to Daz, I've seen it on other sites too in exactly the same form.
Since your script is derived from one of rob's samples you do need to add the CC Attribution 3.0 Unported credit and link, even if you are posting it only to show what you have and not for others to use