GPU at 50%?

Hi, I noticed on the task manager that my GTX 1070 is only used at 25 to 50% during an Iray render. Is it because it use all 8gb of the card memory?


  • The GPU report from Task Manager does not seem to be accurate, or at least doesn't agree with GPU-Z or the noise the fans make.

  • I solved it by removing the CPU from the devices, then the renders are somehow faster and use 100% of the GPU. But I ran into another problem, sometimes the GPU falls to almost 0% (I can also see iterations slow down to a crawl), and never goes up again, even if I launch a new render (I have to restart DAZ).

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    I solved it by removing the CPU from the devices, then the renders are somehow faster and use 100% of the GPU. But I ran into another problem, sometimes the GPU falls to almost 0% (I can also see iterations slow down to a crawl), and never goes up again, even if I launch a new render (I have to restart DAZ).

    Sounds like you ran out of VRAM and dropped to CPU.

    - Greg

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    @barnabet14_6e3228f4c2 "(I can also see iterations slow down to a crawl), and never goes up again, even if I launch a new render (I have to restart DAZ)."

    If you have run out of Vram and leave a render window open, then starting a new render will not clear the GPU memory. You will need to close all renders.

    You really should try GPU-Z, it will show you exactly what is going on with your GPU. It is a widely used, reliable utility.

  • Thanks, is it because my scene is too big? Is it what the "Instancing Optimization" is for? Or is there any other setting for this?

  • edornedorn Posts: 0

    In my case, I don't have quite your generation of GPU, I'm running an nVidia GeForce GTX 680 and my GPU will drop to almost 0% and CPU jumps to 100% on first render. I've had the CPU unchecked and only the GPU checked. The rendering is very fast on that first render beginning but then drops back down to an hour and a half to 2 hours per render. Restarting Daz does not fix it. Only shutting down the system (Windows 10 pro) has any effect and it is always the same, get to about 40-70% done on first render and back to the CPU with GPU dropping to single digits. I've got to assume that Daz has an issue unless someone else has a fix for this?

  • edornedorn Posts: 0

    Oh, and BTW, GPU-z and my windows task manager show exactly the same numbers on the GPU useage. Sure there's lots of additional information but nothing detectable why Daz drops back to CPU only when only GPU is checked. Granted my 680 only has 2GB of memory, but you'd think that would be released by a restart of Daz but it only happens on a restart of windows itself.


  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804

    I don't have this "out of vram" issue on my system. Below is what I do to maximize resources when I render with Iray. Hope it helps.

    - wire the monitor to the mobo so you use the processor for the viewport and leave the video card free for rendering

    - turn off optix (that takes extra vram anyway)

    - render directly to file (render target in render settings)

  • I misread the task manager, I actually have less than 50% of Vram used. GPU use still drops to 25% regularly. I still have free RAM and I configure DAZ in the task manager to only use 3 of the 4 CPU cores.

  • here's the log part when it fails:


    2018-02-05 10:30:06.038 Iray VERBOSE - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.0   IRAY   rend progr: 35.05% of image converged
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.092 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.2   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): Kernel [20] failed after 0.010s
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.093 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.2   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): an illegal memory access was encountered (while launching CUDA renderer in core_renderer_wf.cpp:807)
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.093 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.2   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): Failed to launch renderer
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.093 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.4   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): Device failed while rendering
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.094 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray WARNING - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.4   IRAY   rend warn : All available GPUs failed.
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.094 Iray INFO - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.4   IRAY   rend info : Falling back to CPU rendering.
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.094 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.4   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): an illegal memory access was encountered (while initializing memory buffer)
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.094 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.4   IRAY   rend error: All workers failed: aborting render
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.094 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.4   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): an illegal memory access was encountered (while de-allocating memory)
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.094 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.4   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): an illegal memory access was encountered (while de-allocating memory)
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.094 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.4   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): an illegal memory access was encountered (while de-allocating memory)
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.094 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.4   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): an illegal memory access was encountered (while de-allocating memory)
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.095 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.4   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): an illegal memory access was encountered (while de-allocating memory)
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.095 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.4   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): an illegal memory access was encountered (while de-allocating memory)
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.095 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.4   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): an illegal memory access was encountered (while de-allocating memory)
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.095 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.4   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): an illegal memory access was encountered (while de-allocating memory)
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.095 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.4   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): an illegal memory access was encountered (while de-allocating memory)
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.095 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.4   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): an illegal memory access was encountered (while de-allocating memory)
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.637 Iray INFO - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Received update to 00192 iterations after 193.826s.
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.684 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.0   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): an illegal memory access was encountered (while de-allocating memory)
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.685 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.0   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): an illegal memory access was encountered (while de-allocating memory)
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.685 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.0   IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce GTX 1070): an illegal memory access was encountered (while de-allocating memory)
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.689 WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(307): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.0   IRAY   rend error: Scheduler was aborted for restart and needs to be restarted
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.693 Iray INFO - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.0   IRAY   rend info : CPU: using 4 cores for rendering
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.693 Iray INFO - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.0   IRAY   rend info : Rendering with 1 device(s):
    2018-02-05 10:30:08.693 Iray INFO - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.0   IRAY   rend info :     CPU


  • I think the GPU crash was caused by... Netflix closing and opening a new stream.

  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804

    That is Iray reversing to CPU but the cause is not clear to me, "illegal memory access" could be not enough vram in the card for the scene. You can try with a small scene or just one figure alone to see if it works fine. If it works fine with a small scene then it's probably not enought vram. If it doesn't work even with a small scene then it's probably the drivers. Also you can try following my suggestions above.

  • edited February 2018

    nope, it switches to CPU when I launch a Netflix stream, reproduced it twice. I still have plenty of VRAM available.

    Post edited by barnabet14_6e3228f4c2 on
  • prixatprixat Posts: 1,590

    If that's the Netflix app on Windows, then it's notorious for memory leaks and bugs and causing crashes and explosions ...and landslides, and flooding, and volcanos! surprise

  • Thanks, it indeed doesn't happen with Netflix on Firefox. Any idea why my GPU isn't always at 100% by the way? I have more than enough RAM and VRAM.

  • prixatprixat Posts: 1,590
    edited February 2018

    GPU-Z can give you an idea of the limiting factor, as well as more specific monitoring.


    480 x 558 - 94K
    Post edited by prixat on
  • I hope I don't abuse your time, but you seem to know what all this is about. Is there anything worrying with my GPU (taken during an Iray render)?

    404 x 523 - 11K
  • prixatprixat Posts: 1,590

    Which make/model of 1070 is that?

    Nothing to worry about.

    It could be being throttled back. Check the fan/power profile. It might be set for 'low noise' or 50% max. fan speed, something like that.


  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192

    I'm not sure why it is occurring, but that blue bar in PerfCap Reason is labeled 'VRel' - Voltage Reliability - and this is causing the card to run at a lower utilization.You might try googling for VRel and your card for ideas on what is happening.

  • here's an afterburner screenshot. It say the GPU is at 100%, power tops at 60%, and temp tops at 55. Can I safely raise the GPU clock?

    1234 x 995 - 187K
  • JD_MortalJD_Mortal Posts: 760
    edited February 2018

    GPU may never be 100%, because it is not "rendering with 100% of the GPU chip processes". It is only using the Cuda-Cores, which is a fraction of the GPU's physical construction. Video games use Cuda + All the other stuff, at the same time.


    My cards run at around 2-10%, but are at full temps, where they start to throttle the speeds. Fan-noise has nothing to do with the GPU speed. It is just adjusting to remove heat generated. Your Cuda-cores are running at 100%. VRAM, that depends... The slower your card, the more your card will seem to be running at "full speed". The faster your card, the slower it will seem to be running at full-speed. (Because faster cards are done faster, and getting more work takes the same amount of time, which is longer than the actual "thinking" process.)


    Until IRAY/DAZ decides to cram more work into a "job", faster cards will never work at full potential. It is like eating a whole cake with a toothpick for a spoon, instead of a shovel, when you have a shovel available, and a biger mouth. Sure, you can move your toothpick faster, but moving a shovel, slow, is a lot faster than any hyperactive toothpick motion.


    Why draw with pointalism, when you can just throw all the paint at the canvas, at once?

    This is what is happening in GPU/GPU now... 

    Post edited by JD_Mortal on
  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192

    Not sure what you're running into either. I have a 980 TI and a 1080 TI and they both run (per gpu-z) at 97% gpu load and full clock speeds. The 980 runs at about 77 C and the 1080 at 67 C (the 980 is immediately above the 1080 in the tower. Both cards ave custom fan profiles that run the fans at 50% when the gpu hits 20% and ramp up from there, so they tend to run at 100% during most renders.

    I've run renders that take over 30 minutes with no issues and no slowdown.

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