How to make the Camera see exactly the same as the Viewport?

IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

I noticed that when trying to get a figure to look directly at the viewer (the camera), the render shows the eyes looking in a different direction. The rendered view of the figure is in a matching slightly different position to the one shown in the Viewport. I can work around this by making each eye Point At the camera. When I do this the figures eyes in the Viewport are definitely not looking directly ahead. There is clearly a difference between the Viewport "camera" and the Rendering camera. How can I set them to be the same? I want a WYSIWYG view!

In this case I am using the Full Body Camera from the PRO-Studio Lighting System set. This issue does not occur when rendering from the Perspective Camera.

Post edited by IsaacNewton on


  • You should be able to use any camera in the scene for the viewport. Little box in the top right of the viewport that says "Perspective View". Click that.

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300
    edited February 2018

    You should be able to use any camera in the scene for the viewport. Little box in the top right of the viewport that says "Perspective View". Click that.

    I think you have the wrong end of the stick, or I didn't explain it very well.

    The workflow:

    1) Load scene and pose using Perspective Camera.

    2) Load Full Body camera from PRO-Studio HDR Lighting System

    3) Position camera and figure so the figures eyes are looking directly at the camera (the Viewport is using the Full Body camera at this point)

    4) Render

    5) Notice that in the render, the figure is NOT looking directly at the camera (as it WAS in the Viewport)

    EDIT: I have also tried Cameras from other packages from DAZ3d PAs and they also have this effect. So either they are all wrong or I have a setting wrong somwhere; the latter is considerably more likely.


    Post edited by IsaacNewton on
  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    First Perspective is not a camera it is a view, there is a difference.  Second the point at camera (or anything for that matter) has never worked well for the eyes, you have always needed to skew them a bit to the side of the camera (can never remember if it is left of right side).

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    Camera or view, that's semantics. You can render a picture of what you see from both the Perspective camera or the loaded camera. Unlike the Spotlight view which you cannot render from.

    However, the wierd thing is that the problem is with one particular scene. I loaded another scene with the same Full Body camera and there was no problem with a shift in the rendering position.

    Point at does work though. I set each eye to Point At the camera then the figure does look at the viewer directly, but of course the figure is slighly at an angle.

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    Well, I tried the Full Body camera in a new scene... works perfectly.

    So, I deleted everything from my scene except the characters and resaved. Then merged the new saved file into a new scene and.... it renders perfectly, with all cameras. Something must be corrupted or altered in that scene which is causing the render to be from a slightly different angle than the Viewport shows. Wierdness!

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078
    edited February 2018


    First of all, it is not semantics between camera and perspective view. A camera has many more controls for the actual setup. Perspectie view has none (e.g. DOF)

    Other than pre-position, there is nothing special about the cameras in the Pro Studio system.

    Here's what you can do:

    1. Set the scene using perspective view

    2. Create a camera, use the the option "Copy active view". See attached.

    3. Render


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