Wrong breast morph or shape loading

Something is wrong with my G8F, I am not sure how to pin down what it is though. No matter what character I load up, it is coming in with breasts that seem too large. I check under currently used section for shapes and parameters, nothing there. What else can I look for to find the offending install?





  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Strangely I have a similar issue with G2M, comes with a body morph dialled in which does not show uo under 'currently used' so I have to go find it under the shaping settings, looking for a morph that is at value 1.  I susepct it is not being flagged as used as it has not been dialled in since the laod of the figure.

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706
    edited February 2018

    I just tried going through the chest section in shapes and parameters too, didn't see one with a 1. Maybe it's just my eyes? Here is ravyn for example, looks a lot bigger to me than the promo. Is that normal, and it's just a matter of the top making her breasts look smaller? I am just starting to migrate over from G3 to G8 now, so I have not really used G8 much.

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    Post edited by TheKD on
  • Try enabling Show Hidden Properties in the option menu (the lined button in the corner or right-click the tab) and then look at Currently Used.

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    Oh yeah, I always have show hidden on, the only ones showing up in currently used besides Ravyn morphs is navel, turned it off to make sure it wasn't affecting the breasts, it's only doing what it should be, making the belly button.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Don't just check the chest section - you may need to go through all areas as it may be a full body morph doing it.

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706
    edited February 2018

    Yeah so far scrolled through chect, full body and people, not seeing anything dialed up. Is there a term I could search for in the duff with notepad? Oh hmmmm, genesis 8 seems to be a dson file, and not a duff :(

    Post edited by TheKD on
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    I don't think it'd be in the duf file as that'd suggest something altered the G8F duf and I suspect that'd be bad!  I don't think there's an easy way, apart from just looking and looking, to find something liek this.  I knwo the name of the figure that is screwing up my G2M and yet uasing that name as search term in filesystem (under /data) and in Daz Studio content I find nothing!

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    Ah, I was hoping to find something easier than scrolling for two hours lol. I remember with G2F and G2M I had some freebies mess everything up like this. For G3 and G8 I have avoided freebies like that plague. It's very annoying to have to do this troubleshooting lol.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    I feel your paina nd sympathise.  Have you tried uninstalling G8F and re-installing in case that cleasr the auto-use of the morph?  I have a feeling it won't but you never know!

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    Haven't yet, but I guess it's worth a go. If that don't work, next gonna remove my G8F directory from the list, install a new one and see if it's any different. Gonna kinda be pissed if I have to install one by one to find the offending install lol.  I just got done scrolling through every paramater, couldn't find a non zero there.

  • Did you check the DS log ?

    It often helps to find strange things going on :-)

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    Well I tried both those things, she still loads the same with just G8 essentials and her installed. I assume if the directory is not linked anymore, studio would not be pulling a bogus morph from there anymore. Maybe it is just my eyes? Anyone else care to render ravyn in a bikini? lol

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    Did you check the DS log ?

    It often helps to find strange things going on :-)

    I get a couple of "Could not find output property for formula: " errors, but I am used to seeing those since G1 lol. None of them are about breasts, a couple about a lip, and a couple about a foot fix.

  • See image for what I get when loading G8F Base compared to Ryan and log.

    2018-02-06 00:58:36.337 Begin Loading Character Addons...2018-02-06 00:58:37.036 File loaded in 0 min 0.6 sec.2018-02-06 00:58:37.037 Loaded file: Genesis 8 Female Eyelashes.duf2018-02-06 00:58:37.047 Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.2018-02-06 00:58:37.048 Loaded file: PHMEyelashesLengthUpper.dsf2018-02-06 00:58:37.048 Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.2018-02-06 00:58:37.056 Loaded file: PHMEyelashesLengthLower.dsf2018-02-06 00:58:37.057 Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.2018-02-06 00:58:37.057 Loaded file: PHMEyelashesCurl.dsf2018-02-06 00:58:37.167 Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.2018-02-06 00:58:37.168 Loaded file: PHMEyelashesLengthUpper.dsf2018-02-06 00:58:37.178 Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.2018-02-06 00:58:37.179 Loaded file: PHMEyelashesLengthLower.dsf2018-02-06 00:58:37.189 Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.2018-02-06 00:58:37.189 Loaded file: PHMEyelashesCurl.dsf2018-02-06 00:58:37.207 Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.2018-02-06 00:58:37.208 Loaded file: PHMEyelashesExpand.dsf2018-02-06 00:58:38.409 File loaded in 0 min 0.1 sec.2018-02-06 00:58:38.410 Loaded file: Base MAT Eyelashes.duf2018-02-06 00:58:38.413 Finished Loading Character Addons2018-02-06 00:58:38.572 File loaded in 2 min 21.2 sec.2018-02-06 00:58:39.377 Loaded file: Genesis 8 Basic Female.duf2018-02-06 00:58:47.172 Loaded image G8FBaseLegsMapD_1003.jpg2018-02-06 00:58:47.326 Loaded image G8FBaseEyes01_1007.jpg2018-02-06 00:58:47.524 Loaded image G8FBaseArmsMapD_1004.jpg2018-02-06 00:58:47.669 Loaded image G8FBaseMouthMapD_1005.jpg2018-02-06 00:58:47.865 Loaded image G8FBaseFaceMapD_1001.jpg2018-02-06 00:58:48.146 Loaded image G8FBaseTorsoMapD_1002.jpg2018-02-06 00:58:48.334 Loaded image G8FBaseEyelashes_1006.jpg2018-02-06 01:02:08.895 Begin Loading Character Addons...2018-02-06 01:02:09.501 File loaded in 0 min 0.5 sec.2018-02-06 01:02:09.543 Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.2018-02-06 01:02:09.543 Loaded file: FHM3duG8FRavyn_Head.dsf2018-02-06 01:02:09.610 Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.2018-02-06 01:02:09.610 Loaded file: FBM3duG8FRavyn_Body.dsf2018-02-06 01:02:09.614 Loaded file: Genesis 8 Female Eyelashes.duf2018-02-06 01:02:09.635 Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.2018-02-06 01:02:09.637 Loaded file: PBMNavel.dsf2018-02-06 01:02:10.846 File loaded in 0 min 0.1 sec.2018-02-06 01:02:10.848 Loaded file: Ravyn Eyelashes (Iray).duf2018-02-06 01:02:10.851 Finished Loading Character Addons2018-02-06 01:02:11.031 File loaded in 2 min 25.8 sec.2018-02-06 01:02:11.477 Loaded file: ravyn (3du).duf2018-02-06 01:02:19.904 Loaded image 3duG8FRavyn_Legs_DF_1003.jpg2018-02-06 01:02:20.050 Loaded image 3duG8FRavyn_eyes_opal_df.jpg2018-02-06 01:02:20.273 Loaded image 3duG8FRavyn_Arms_DF_1004.jpg2018-02-06 01:02:20.506 Loaded image 3duG8FRavyn_Mouth_DF_1005.jpg2018-02-06 01:02:20.729 Loaded image 3duG8FRavyn_Mouth_BM_1005.jpg2018-02-06 01:02:20.978 Loaded image 3duG8FRavyn_Face_DF_1001.jpg2018-02-06 01:02:21.224 Loaded image 3duG8FRavyn_Torso_DF_1002.jpg2018-02-06 01:02:21.356 Loaded image 3duG8FRavyn_Eyelashes_OP_1006.jpg


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  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    Hmm, maybe it is right then. When loading her up on top of normal g8 like you did, it looks about the same amount of ravyn popping through g8. The promos seem like she is more of a tween than a teen to me.

  • Guess I just found a few DS bugs LOL

    The right one in the pic should be a instance of Ryan but it did not scale right and strange things happen that instances could not be moved anymore or disapper then :-/

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    Ah, I thought the one on the right was a 30% or so dialed in ravyn lol.

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