Something that's been bugging me

I've been using multiple of the genesis 2 female models in some of my scenes and one thing that always seems to happen is that the second one has its posing and shaping options in a different order than the first.
For example. In the eyes tab the first model has the first option as Eyelids Bottom Down
But with the second one the first option in the eyes tab is Eyes Up-Down
Is there any way to make it so both models use the same options layout with posing and shaping or is it cause both models share the same name. (I'm using Catherine as the name for both models)
Do you have more than one group selected in the parameter pane you are using? I've noticed odd behaviour in the order in which the groups are listed in that situation, but never seen anything like that with only a single active group.
You mean like parents and children? I have clothing and hair parented to each figure but I don't have both selected when trying to move one.
No, I meant like Actor>Head adn Actor>Chest, say - the groups down the left-hand section of the property pane.
Could you maybe provide a picture example?
Oops, losing track of which thread I was in. Sorry,
In the Parameters pane, in the Editor tab -that's where you are looking? Click on one name on the left, ctrl-click on another - I have soemtimes had oddities with ordering when switching, especially if I switch to an item that doesn't have the same groups (such as a prop, light, or camera).
There is this toggle option called "Presistent Group Expansion" check that in the Parameters pane options menu. It's is for to see the same Properties Group you had selected before with the next figure you select, if there is some group called the same.
What bugges me with switching between figures even with same groups like when both are genesis 2 figures - is that i get not just my pevious group selected but also the transforms group gets for some reason selected too.