Carrara 8.1 render issue

Hello everyone, long time no write. I have been pleasantly busy with assignments.
I'm sure someone has encountered this problem already. I can't render beyond frame one of an animation.
Here are my specs:
• Carrara 8.1
• Mac Lion 10.7.2
• 3.4 quad i7
• 16 gig of ram
Thanks for the forth coming aid.
Post edited by msolomon on
Maybe your OS isn't supported in 8.1. Have you tried the 8.5 beta?
Hey evil,
Yep I tried 8.5 and it froze also.
Can you give a little more info please? Rendernodes? Codec? Image sequence?
Does the first frame complete?
Hey Holly,
Using the on board renderer. Tried to render .jpg and photoshop sequence. Also tryed Photo jpg QT. Couldn't get past the 1st frame before freezing.
With all due respect, you're not giving us ANYTHING to work with....kinda like saying "my car doesn't run, what's the problem?" :)
Could you provide a few more details? Most importantly, is it with a particular scene? If so maybe that scene is bonkers.
My suggestion is "when in doubt, simplify". The best way to find a culprit is to narrow it down until you find the problem. If it's a particular scene, start jettisoning objects until it works.
Has this just started? If so, what else did you do to the system or installation that might correspond with the problem starting?
I wouldn't jettison stuff, but hiding the objects might help. Sometimes even slightly altering the camera angle will work. Does it stop in the same place each time?
I had an animation I tried once. It was a ship in the ocean primitive. Something about the interaction of the ship and my customized refracting water shader would cause Carrara to throw up an error as soon as the render bucket hit the water line. I changed the transparency settings a little bit (might have been in-scattering and then it worked.
There are other things that can cause a render to fail. I've seen examples in this forum, of poorly made vertex models that caused Carrara to throw up it's hands and puke on the render. ;-)
I had such problems when one object in the scene had become corrupted or too many polygons.
One time it was a simple Poser mushroom that became corrupted and killed my entire scene... after I tried an animation rendering. Couldn't open it after the crash anymore. Thank god I only had two objects in the scene, so it was easy to find out which object corrupted. That evil mushroom ended up deleted...
The other time I tried a desert scene with an imported rock object I bought from Renderosity. It's from Deskar's Collection. Here I only got it to work when I lowered the poly count and smoothened the mesh a little. Though here you run danger to ruin your UV Map.
Maybe that helps you a little to pinpoint the problem
Thanks for replying everyone. I did consider maybe it was the file. I built it in 7.2 but animated it in 8. After it did not render in 8 I decided to render in 7.2 and it worked with no problem. I did not try modifying the file due to deadlines. I will have to try that.
• The bird thing was rigged and modeled by me. Polys-529, Smoothed-level 3 Anything Glows light grouped to bird.
• Building modeled by me.
• All Textures were done in photoshop.
• Camera position is locked
• Used distant lights for scene
@MSolomon: Your render issue in C8.1 might be your Mac, are you using a MacPro? I don't use one, but seen many reported issues with those with Carrara on the forum.
I use C7.2, C8.1 and the beta 8.5 on i5 dual core and i7 quadcore Mac but *sometimes* and not always, I either run into rendering errors like you or different rendering results using different versions of Carrara. Some files would crash on render in C7, 8 or 8.5 or deform the geometry, missing shaders or weird looking shaders, change the color contrast or scenes look darker.
Attached is my most recent encounter. This scene uses Primivol for the fire/flame. See the render in C7 on the left and C8.1 on the right. C7 definitely is producing a superior render result.
Thanks 3D,
We seem to have had similar experiences. I run 7.2 on my i5 Mac and 8.1 on my i7. The 7.2 works on the i5 flawlessly (I can't get it to work on the i7. I think the OS is not compatible). The 8.1 works pretty good on the i7 except for these sporadic render issues. Infact I had an issue with lighting also. I created a scene, in 7.2, with a bulb light in animated fire to create flickering. It worked fine on the i5 but I tried to render it on the faster i7 and the light in the fire would not react to the flames. Check out the fire in 4:19 to 4:56 of the link. I rendered the csatle scene in 7.1. In 8.1 the light in the fire would not flicker.