Pose to Pose

This topic has probably been discussed somewhere else, but for the life of me can't find anything related.
I'm using animate2
I correctly modeled the character to the first position in keyframe 1, second 0 - Pose-1@sec-0
Forwarded to Second 1, applied a Keyframe, modeled a 2nd Pose -> Pose-2@sec-1
---- ( So far the animation from Pose-1@sec-0 to Pose-2@sec-1 goes flawless) ----
I then move to Second 2 and apply another keyframe there.
Create a 3rd Pose Pose-3@sec2 (willing pose-2@sec-1 goes to pose-3@sec-2)
The Result: Pose-1/sec-0 start animation and gets affected by pose-3@sec2
as a result the first animation I created going from second 0 to second 1 gets all screwed, can't lock and achieve
to animate separately from Pose-2@sec-1 to Poser-3@sec2
HELP!!! :(
That sounds more like using the Timeline. By default all keys created are using smooth interpolation, which means that adding a key after another can have an effect on the movement before the first key - essentially the change in value is drawn as a smooth curve. DS does support other interpolation types, I think the full AniMate 2 allows you to chnage them (but not the Lite version with DS, after the initial 30 days) - there are also scripts in the Freebies forum (check my index thread) and KeyMate/GraphMate in the store.
First thing, is thank you for replying that fast
I think I understand what you're saying sorry Im not a designer myself, but have a project to complete on this route.
So basically if Im understanding you correctly I need the KeyMate/GraphMate to be able to control how the animation bethaves between 2 points without affecting prior animations?
I have purchased animate2 so is not the free version and Im not using aniblocks.
First thing Thanks for answering that fast!
Im not a designer myself so please bare with me, let me see if I understood what you said, but before some points I did purchase animate2, so its not the free or lite version.
So what Im understanding is that by default on Daz3D, animation between 2 keyframes can't happen without affecting prior keyframes
In the prior bar, the animation-2 messes up with animation-1, making the pose in second-0 to start changing smoothly as if directly connected to pose in second-2
And if Im getting you correctly, I would need something like KeyMate and GraphMate to control that, right?
It doesn't make any sense that a keyframe would work that way (and I don't believe it did in other programs I've used in the way-back past)
Otherwise, what is the point of keyframes? A keyframe should remain unaltered by tweening, tweening should only affect frames between 2 keyframes.
Yes, or one of Casual's (I think) scripts - but I don't have a link and can't see it in my list of free scripts.
No, it is a standard method of interpolation to avoid jerkiness. But most applications give UI access to interpolation type, and may use a different default.
There wouldn't be any jerkiness unless you had 2 keyframes next to eachother with no other frames between.
The way it's supposed to work is you set starting pose at keyframe 1 it tweens up to end pose at keyframe 2. Keyframe 2 then becomes the start pose for the tween to the end pose at keyframe 3.
So I was right, there's no easy way to do it
would it be something that can be controlled using KeyMate/GraphMate ?
I've heard those 2 are pretty much a "must-have" for working with animations. I'm pretty sure I have keymate, but definately not graphmate as I've given up trying to do animation for now.
I guess I will not know till I get KeyMate at least and give it a try, this is just weird, I recall even Flash in the old days would respect transition between keyframes without hesitation.
The best solution I have found is to insert a keyframe one frame before and one frame after the final frame and first frame of each pose section, which usually (but not always) keeps the subsequent pose section from altering the section preceding it. (For example, head rotations and figure movements (especially rotations) still are sometimes affected once you add another pose sequence, in which case you have to manually go back and enter the correct settings for the end of the first sequence. (or else save it first as a Pose Preset and then place that Pose Preset back at the end of the first sequence after you added the next sequence).