How do I get rid of the mesh highlights in DS?

Does anybody know how to get rid of the mesh highlighter for collisions (I'm assuming that's what it's for). It's super distracting and I don't really need it... like at all.

1920 x 1080 - 1M
Do you mean the hihglighting that occurs as you move the mouse over the scene? Draw Settings pane has the node Highlighting setting, chnage it to Bounding Box Only for Node Selection tools. Surface Selection and region Selection (I think) always use surface highlighting.
Nope, not that one. This highlight appears even after the mouse is no longer over the objects. Plus, it's usually blue. The color can change though. Sometimes it's red. In this case, it's Stonemasson's Winter Castle, loaded out of the box and the almost the whole set is highlighted in yellow and blue.
You have the Viewport set to a texture view I don't get in the drop down, the globe next to the box top right with the line across it. It might be that setting you have it set at uses colours for the different surfaces. I have mine set to Texture Shaded which is just a globe with no line through it.
That looks like cartoon shaded, Fishtales.
Ah, some people have been getting that and others not. Daz is aware of it, I know.
Mine is on Texture Shaded. And I'd be worried about the viewport options, only this doesn't affect everything in it. For the most part it doesn't even show up, but for this particular set, it's showing up throught almost the whole thing aside from the murderhole frames.
Good to know it's a known issue :)