What setting mistake could cause a whole scene to render totally black ?

I purchased the nightbar scene that is sold on this site.
I've made a bunch of chanegs. mostly to color, and I was able to render it successfully as i made them......but I think at the end I inadvertently made a change that messed it up. when I try to render, the scene renders too quickly and renders totally black.
I can still go back to the original (before any of my changes) and it renders okay. But i dont want to lose all of my changes though, so can anyone take a guess as to what kind of accidental change could cause the render error I describe? Thanks!
You may have moved the camera behind a wall.
In Iray, if you have given the lights area and render Emitter is on, going behind a light can also block the view.
Thanks Ill check the camera postion... but I though I was just rendering the viewport view
Sometimes just restarting DAZ Studio will fix that.