Measure Metrics is broken with both G3 & G8 human models

Measure Metrics is broken with both G3 & G8 human models because it refuses to show up in Smart Content.
So now I have installed Measure Metrics via DAZ Content Manager and Measure Metrics is there!
Not good as this is a serious bug in CMS / product database management if it can't correctly handle DIM & Content Manager installed content at the same time!
Now I am trying to get Brow Remover to show up again in G8 Smart Content.
And I have to say - I uninstalled, deleted, redownloaded, and reinstalled Measure Metrics via DIM but it did not fix showup in the DAZ Smart Content until I installed it via DAZ Connect!
Post edited by nonesuch00 on
Measure Metrics and Figure Metrics both show up in smart content for me where they've always been - under Utilities, not Figures.
Yes, and that's where they were not despite the fact they were installed & uninstalled, deleted, redownloaded, and reinstalled via DIM. Not until I installed via DAZ Connect did it show back up in Smart Content until Utilities when I have a G8 or G3 character selected like it should.
Something got broke in my DAZ configuration files, that I've never altered myself except indirectly via installing DAZ products, such that even reinstalling via DIM did not fix that Measure Metrics missing from the Smart Content Utilities problem.
I thought it was just me having this issue because I am using a temp system and an externaldrive for Daz content, I am hoping that this is the problem, I will see if it works when I get my new system and install to main drive March 1st or so.
Yes, I installed it via the DAZ Studio 'Content Manager' rather than the DIM (DAZ Install Manager) and that fixed it. I don't know what broke it or why uninstalling and reinstalling via DIM would not fix it.
DIM and Daz Connect don't use the same package or metadata.
DIM may download corrupted files, even if you re-download the product, it may not fix the issue.
Apparently something changed with DAZ Studio because that product used to work with Genesis 8 via DIM installs
Strange because mine didn't change, it still work since January.
Just I actived it with the serial number when it was installed by DIM.
I think you mean you installed via Connect - the Daz Content Managment System is the thing that manages the database of installed content (via DIM or Connect, or manually installed and its metadata imported).
Measure Metrics (which, like any plug-in, has to be installed via DIM) is working in DS 4.10 - your problem was that you apparently lacked the updates for Figure Metrics to add support for the newer figures, installing those via Connect (which is possible as they are not plug-ins but just content) has fixed your issue. However, a DIM Install (using the latest files) should have done just the same.
Yes, I meant DAZ Connect. I definately had had Measure Metrics installed and working for Genesis 8 characters via DIM. I have presets still that I created using it then. Sometime over the last month or two it broke, and I don't know when it broke just that I had to install via DAZ Connect rather than multiple attempts to reinstall via DIM to get it to work again.
It may of broke on one of the few times I used abort in the Windows Task Manager to stop DAZ Studio when it gets hung for 15 minutes and more (usually only trying to simulate via dForce an overcomplicated scene or sometimes canceling render). Maybe the DIM enties are in CMS? And those entries are corrupted?
A corrupt database entry would seem one possibility, because (as I understand it) DIM still writes only to the old DS 4.8 and earleir database fields, which DS then copies into the 4.9 fields (the Updating CMS message on the splash screen, I think) while Connect writes directly to the 4.9 fields.
OK, thanks. Someday, I will actually categorize all my stuff as different varieties of SmartContent and I guess I should clean up me database from there. Probably just uninstall everything, delete the old dB, and reinstall everything.