ERC Freeze for Rotations, or for morphs only?

I am trying to create a single dial that will control the rotations on a few upper face rig bones.

I dial them in how I want, and then I thought I ERC Freeze them into a dial and save as a morph asset...but they don't show up?

I pick Property Hierachry, right click G8F, Set node to G8f, and do basically this process, but the dialed in stuff does not show.

Is ERC Freeze only for morphs?  Is there a similar to control multiple bone rotations?


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Is it possible to see on the Expression Dials how DAZ made those in DAZ Studio? I think expressions are made just using bones too.

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481

    laugh Just kidding (though there is some truth to it), ...but yes, I've been looking, googling and trying different things for a while now. 

    I must be missing something obvious, it is usually the case.

  • ERC Freeze should work for any numeric property (I think Booleans require a bit of hand-work). That link goes to rather an old set of isntructions, before the property Editor was dropped and repalced with the Property Hierarchy and the Edit mode in the Parameters pane.

    1. Right-click in the parametrs pane, check Edit Mode (if it isn't)
    2. Right-click in the group you want to contain the master slider, Create New Property
    3. Set it as desired - name, perhaps limits, click Accept
    4. With all the other transforms set, and the new proeprty at 1, right-click on the new proeprty and select ERC Freeze  -that should show both morphs and transforms.
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    That was easy instructions.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,880
    3dOutlaw said:

    Oh so true! 

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481

    ERC Freeze should work for any numeric property (I think Booleans require a bit of hand-work). That link goes to rather an old set of isntructions, before the property Editor was dropped and repalced with the Property Hierarchy and the Edit mode in the Parameters pane.

    1. Right-click in the parametrs pane, check Edit Mode (if it isn't)
    2. Right-click in the group you want to contain the master slider, Create New Property
    3. Set it as desired - name, perhaps limits, click Create as Empty Morph, click Accept
    4. With all the other transforms set, and the new proeprty at 1, right-click on the new proeprty and select ERC Freeze  -that should show both morphs and transforms.  Unclick Restore Figure Rigging on the bottom of the screen 

    Hi Richard, that worked, thanks!  I did add the above in red, not sure if that is required, but it worked.

    The one thing that I was hoping to do was for the Main Dial to allow the sub-dials to override their limits?  Is that possible, or would someone have to first expand the limits on the subdials, and then the main dials can push them higher/lower?

  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983
    edited February 2018

    The one thing that I was hoping to do was for the Main Dial to allow the sub-dials to override their limits?  Is that possible, or would someone have to first expand the limits on the subdials, and then the main dials can push them higher/lower?

    You need to expand the limits on the subdials too.

    You may want to have a look at my ERC-Freeze post here:

    TUTORIAL - Creating a Genesis/G2F/G2M/G3M/G3M Full Body Morph for DAZ Studio Pro 4.6 by RKane_1

    Post edited by Syrus_Dante on
  • Unchecking the restore rigging won't do any harm unless you have used any rigging adjustments to accomodate a morph (in which case unchecking ti will leave the changes in place).

    No, ERC can't override limits I'm afraid.

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