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Please pass my well wishes onto Stephanie, it was a pleasure meeting her last year (or is it 2 years by now). Looking forward to your new products, you guys always do great work (though I still wanna convince you to add a bit more dirt to your textures.....I dont do "clean" in my renders LOL)
Sending my well-wishes for Stephanie as well. You are all well-appreciated here and hope things return to normal for you soon.
Adding my best wishes to the both of you and hoping everything sorts itself out.
Love to Stephanie. Thanks to Michael.
Good to know that artists here have meetings. I love your products, too, RawArt. is a dark cabal, with secret handshakes and everything ;)
and guess who brings the shrunken heads
Too bad about pulled content. Checked my order history elsewhere and saw sets are now gone. Wonder why.
Tucking in my best wishes to Stephanie, also. Hope she can and will return soon.
Stephanie and Myself (Michael) are i13. I make the models clothing and morphs and she makes the poses and renders. We have been life partners together for 13 years. Zeddicus is a good friend of ours.i3d_Lotus is my Daughter who stephanie and i taught. .
What an incredible story. I wonder how many other Daz power couples exist.
Fisty and Darc are the only other that comes to mind.
Shoot, what I would like to know is- is there a secret to doing partials that no one else really does them?
I wish you guys would do a PA class on thumbnail-naming conventions so everyone gets on the same a Daz standard...
Maybe color coded or something. It's probably taboo to help other vendors in that way, but then, I guess I sorta wish some would copy...
is that wrong to say? lol
I think MortemVetus is a couple too ;). valzheimer, Emma and Jordi....I think there are probably more than ya think :P
That would be the ultimate fantasy. A partner that does the same thing you do.
Only problem is, a lot of what I do is a solo adventure and artists tend to swing from "LEAVE ME ALONE, I'm creating" to "Please, I need another soul to hold me, I'm sooo alone in this world!". When someone says "Come look at this" and you have no desire to shift your attention away from what you're working on. ouch.
I know I'm sliding off topic, but hey. My dad was a software programmer so we always had computers in the house and I always had software to play with. My parents were into all kinds of music so my taste very wildly. I can't imagine what it would be like to grow up in a household where everyone is using Daz and making stuff(s). I mean, a vendor at such an age? For real?
I did a check before I posed [edit: hilarious typo. was supposed to be posted] to see how many items of theirs I own/use. My goodness....and terrible as it was, I was definitely NOT buying something today, but I saw a new set of everyday poses, BOTH generations (YAY!) so I plunked down and then THAT extra discount gets me to buy the tropical plants, which I will resize and color to make alien vegetation so.....once again - that family snags my wallet.
Art Collab (Art Collaborations) is husband and wife
Last I heard Diane and Predatron are a couple.
Muze and RawArt are a couple as well.
InaneGlory and DestinysGarden are a couple too. Heh. I was trying to train our son as a helper, but he has no patience for the fiddly stuff.
Best wishes to Stephanie. We all know how it is when "Life" happens.
Muze and RawArt are a couple as well.
You sure? Sounds too good to be true. Muze does places and Raw does figures. What are the chances that those two could meet and date?
And how come nobody is saying anything? This is incredible news.
I mean, I was in shock when I found out some PAs are teams...
And then it's gets wild when they team-up and combine forces to make something....
Some time ago I made a thread where I asked what are your fantasy combinations of vendors.
Can I be nosey?
How does that work? You have two rigs?
You met first and then started working together or started working together and then fell for each other?
How do you decide what to make next?
Oh, this is facinating.
Muze and Rawn are definatly a couple. Pretty sure they were together before they were both PAs. They do solo stuff and don't collaborate, but they help each other out when needed. IG and I were together for quite a few years before he came up with a product and became a PA. I collabed with him and became a PA too. We do solo stuff and collabs. I think Predatron/Diane are the closest to us with both doing solo stuff and also partnerships. Some of the other couples need both partners for each product, like EmmaAndJordi or ARTCollab, which is a totally valid way to work. You also see a lot of standard partnerships in the character market with one exceling at morphs and one good at texturing, though those partnerships are not typically married couples for some reason.
What do we make next? One of us has an idea and asks the other one if they can help with it, if we can't do it alone, or feel it would be better as a collaboration.
How do you know all this? Do you guys have a secret network? lol
I joined a facebook group for daz users today. It's okay so far.
But it seems like a totally different group of people than the forums...I didn't expect that.
In a roundabout way, do vendors like each other? Is it a familiy? Or solo adventurers?
Do you care what others put out?
When that new (awesome) spider came out, I suggested to daz and others that they put Ron's Spider web stuff in fastgrab or add it as a bonus buy.
They don't really seem keen on marketing like that.
And it almost seems arbitrary when they use one product to help another, Like I'd want tio arrive and it be "Buy Griffin's XYZ for an extra 10%"
Or those that bought Griffin's get another 10% etc....
Were you around for the Centaur Launch? I jocking said someone with Dazchund for a last name musst have made that product because the marketing it got lasted a whole month. lol
And it seems to pop back up with support. Do you guys ever ask for campaigns - like your lighting + certain a combo?
Am I going too far with this??? I think I just highjacked this thread.....
So yeah, i13 you ever supply other vendors with stuff for their promos- or is that taboo or encouraged?
Like DivaMakeUp is a newer vendor, do you guys celebrate her arrival and throw her some goodies to get her started?
We hope Steph is well and gets back soon, and send her our best wishes. During these months we missed seeing her products and we often remeber the collabs we did with her, which were serveral of the most positive we have ever done.
Many people are curious of how we work together. Actually there is not a product from Jordi or from Emma 100%. Some products have more work of one or the other, but it varies: 70/30, 20/80, 60/40, 40/'s actually something we do together. Most product files come and go constantly between one computer and the other and our desktops are side by side in the same room. We pass the files trough our local network and keep a version system so we know all the time which version is in each computer, and synchronize the work when some tasks are done. This has been a coordination work that has been working many years and has been very complex to develop.
We started in 2008 at Renderosity, under the name emmaalvarez. But we worked together ever since those years. At the beginning we had 2 accounts (hiperia3d later -Jordi-, and emmaalvarez) but as we anyway worked together in everything, it was more natural to just join them. It was a matter of work, not a romantic decision, as some people have thought. We are a married couple since 1996.
Others think that it is a romantic name and only one of two works. That is something that we always found funny because it looks like if you have drawn a heart and inside you write "Emma And Jordi" scratched in a tree bark ROFLOL! :D
But we worked all the time together so we just killed the romantic myth :D
Aeon-Soul is two people; one does the modeling, and the other the texture work, as I recall. They were some of the first PAs I got to know; back then, they had their own web forum where some of us used to hang out.
Yes, they're husband and wife.
Hubby has been helping me for the last 5yrs or so, since i started doing this fulltime. When he does enough contribution to the product he gets listed on it (Raziel) If its just some thumbs or something he doesnt get any credit lmao, I am a hard boss I know LOL
I've always wondered if Val3Dart is a couple too - i have a vague recollection there was a lot of collaboration between Val3dart and...a name I have blanked on. Luthbel and Luthbellina aren't a couple, but I believe they are brother and sister (?) (but I don't think they have collaborated officially on a product as yet).
I knew Silver had partnered with Raziel but I had no idea it was your hubby!
As for partial poses, Zeddicuss does a lot, DM often have partials for their sole pose packs, Aeon Soul have partials in their pose packs too. I'm pretty sure I've seen partials from dragonfly3d also. Ilona has partials in her pose packs (both here and the other store).
There's a way to do partials yourself too - applying a pose to just a certain part of the body. I've lost the link that details it, but someone else may know it.
Yes, Muze and I are married, I was doing this stuff a long time before she started with it, she stared with second life products, then moved over to DAZ when she saw I was actually making money doing this LOL
We are both very independant and stubborn, so while we may help each other on sets, we do not really work together on things, because we have our own visions on how things should be. But thats all good, it keeps things interesting.
and yes, vendors do work together and trade products occasionally, we chat with each other online and assist each other, and occasionally meet each other in person when DAZ organizes such events.
I'm not sure which FB group you joined, but I think you'll be surprised to find, as you interact and observe, that the same people are there under a different nom de guerre. I first noticed it when the same image appeared on FB under a different name than the DAZ Gallery. One piece of advice, though, avoid using their DAZ name on FB or vice versa.
Like Griffin, I find this stuff fascinating. And inspiring! Especially the multi-generational efforts. I’ve been encouraging my autistic son in his 3D art since he was 7 or so, with an eye toward helping him find a job as he gets older.
Val3dArt is a team, no idea how the team members are related.
Yes, Luthbellina is Luthbel's little sister.
If we're listing sibling too then we can add Sickleyield and Fuseling, who are sisters.