Crashing (and don't know enough to even file a bug report)

It has been about 4 months since I fired up the PC and had a hand at rendering anything, but in the last 3 weeks I finally had some time again. I updated to 4.10 -- no problems with the install -- and the new bells and whistles (like dForce) are working fine. Unfortunately, Studio is crashing at least every hour or so and I don't know why. I can't find a single, reproducible reason, so I'm not even sure if I should file a bug report. I'm just looking for any obvious suggestions I may have missed. It's generally happening at memory-intensive operations, like changing textures in Iray preview mode -- but it's also happened when trying to load smart content metadata.
My system is old, but not ancient. I've got a Windows7 x64 machine with an i7 3770-K CPU (16GB RAM) and a GeForce GTX970 designated only for rendering (my old GTX660 is running the monitors.) I've got the most recent drivers for my GPU and nothing else has changed in my system (because I've barely turned it on since September.) I've been watching the memory and temperature of GPU and all CPU cores with HWiNFO64. My CPU is pegging at 100% when switching to the Iray preview, but it's always done that. My GPU memory has not been more full than 86%, according to the sensor log.
The plan is to build a new PC in the next few months, but until then, it would be nice for DS to not crash every 45 minutes. Is this just a matter of "I'm doing more than my PC is capable of"?
Are you sure the render is done with the gpu only?. As my gtx680 only has 2 GB, most of my iray-renders are done with CPU only. As some of those scenes can be quite memory extensive, even the 32 GB in my system sometimes isn't enough to handle it, and then DS crahses when memory use reaches about 98%.... so that could be a possible reason for crashing.
I've just changed my render settings and now have my CPU unchecked. My CPU load has fallen dramatically, but GPU memory is still at 89-90%. So the GPU is doing the work, but it's close enough to the edge that it falls off a cliff if I rock the boat. (How's that for mixed metaphors?)
I think I just need to invest in V3Digitimes Scene Optimizer. I have no idea how I've managed to not purchased that yet. I seem to own everything else in the store...
With earlier DS versions, sometimes I did get crashes when rendering a 'simple' scene that initially used almost all available VRAM, and at a certain point would need just a little more, forcing it back to cpu only; that usually made DS crash