Luxus IBL Presets

Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
edited June 2013 in Freebies

Following an example render in Rogerbee's thread I thought I'd share some presets with you guys for image based lighting solutions. These IBL presets don't merely light your scene, but can also act as a backdrop to add skies and other detail without the need for skydomes which might otherwise extend rendering times. Each preset has a 'sun' positioned to line up with the IBL for more accurate shadows and lighting, as well as a textured sphere to act as a guide for positioning your light appropriately.

The sphere is set to a null material so it won't appear in your render and is merely there as a guide. Without further ado, here are the links.

Brooklyn Bridge
Bryant Park
Chiricahua Plaza
Downtown LA
Malibu Beach
MonValley Lookout
Ridgecrest Road
Shiodome Stairs
Topanga Forest

For those who wish to add these presets to your Smart Content tab, you can also download the metadata here.

Note, these were originally posted in the Luxus Discussion II thread, but I've given them their own topic so as to make them easier to find.

Addendum: If you intend to add your own background to a scene, these IBL's will still function well for that purpose. Be sure to check the 'Output Alpha Channel' option in the Export to Image submenu of the Luxrender GUI. This will export the image with all of it's image based light intact, but will not export the background provided by the environmental light.

1000 x 1000 - 1M
Post edited by Herald of Fire on


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, these look great. I hope to get trying them out this week, thanks very much for all the hard work.

  • DisparateDreamerDisparateDreamer Posts: 2,504
    edited December 1969

    these are great!! thank you so much :)

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    Another example for illustrative purposes. No adjustments were made to the IBL lighting setup other than the rotation.

    1000 x 1000 - 149K
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    Very cool and thank you HOF.

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    Updated information.

  • SkelchSkelch Posts: 275
    edited December 1969

    Thank you so much this is very very helpful!

  • AJ2112AJ2112 Posts: 1,416
    edited September 2014

    Thanx for the IBL presets, they work fabulous, saved me a ton of brain cells, Lol !!!

    Post edited by AJ2112 on
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