Welding objects and clothes

I'm using the magnus collar with the g2F bodysuit. I've also created some gauntlets out of primatives. When I export to Cinema 4d for animation I have to do a bunch of stuff to clamp them all in place. The gauntlets work fine because I don't have to deal with deformation. But the magnus has to react to the skin deformation. So I'd like to merge the bodysuit, gauntlets, and collar into a single object with its skeletons still intact. I'll also have to redo the UV map in Zbrush.
I could do it in Zbrush by combining the subtools but GoZ won't update the mesh I've created and will only bring in a new mesh with no rig.
So my questions are these.
First, is there a way to combine clothing to polygon objects so the polygons are part of the clothing.
Second, is there a way to combine two different clothing objects. (Is this what's called Kit Bashing?)
Third, is there a way to take the basic mesh zbrush imports and reapply the rigging, weighting, etc?
Oh and the reason I am concerned about the magnus collar is that it acts all wonky in Cinema when I apply a motion clip. I've tried merging the skeletons in the FBX import.