Updated to 4.10 and ALL my saved Scenes are gone!

I recently updated my Daz Studio to the 4.10 version; but when I went to save a scene it was giving me a weird saving location and thus won't let me save. So I became concerned and looked through my Documents to find my saved scenes. But they are all gone!! I looked all over my computer to see if they were saved anywhere but I still can't find them! This upsets me as I had over 100 files saved and many of which I need for school. I had saved just 2 new scenes Thursday with no troubles and could still find them. Now I can't find any of my saved scenes and Daz Studio isn't letting me save new ones to My documents! Please! Help!
DS won't have touched your scene files, it doesn't do anything that could remove a set of files or a folder, so it is unlikely that that is the cause. If it couldn't find the last used save folder then it will use the default instead, which was probably your weird location, so whatever happened happened before that. Have you checked your recycle bin/trash can? Do you have a back-up or restore point with the files?
@Richard Haseltine I checked everywhere on my computer. Even the weird, default, location doesn't have my save files. Plus it's not letting me save any scenes but I can save character presets. I didn't back up any of my scenes, never thought I would have to since I could get to them before. Something must have happened because I had all my saves but now they're gone after the update.
To save new scenes you should be able to navigate to a new folder - pick one from the left hand panel. Of course that doesn't help to figure out where the existing scenes have gone to. How did you check that they are not on your machine in the wrong place - the Windows search doesn't check everywhere by default.