Why are posts erased?
I submitted a post about an hour ago: So little documentation, so much frustration. The link to my msg is still listed in my topics posted but the url is no longer valid. Why are posts erased?
UPDATE: sorry I made a mistake.
Post edited by blue_055c15ca15 on
Your browser must be preventing you from seeing the post. On my computer the other post is directly under this one. It also has 7 replies
It's still there.
To answer your original question - they can be hidden (or erased) while the Moderators consider the content, if it skirts the Terms of Service (TOS), or erased fully if it blatantly smashes the TOS to bits. In the latter case, I believe you get an email or PM describing why the action has occurred (not happened to me, so I'm not 100% sure about that). Forum TOS can be found as a sticky at the top of the Announcements.