Dforce wet drap parameter

Hi all ,
I just installed the 4.10 of daz studio, and I must recognize that this is surely the best version ever.
I was waiting for such an option , like in 3DS max , the simulation . As many others , I'm making different tests to understand the principe, but there is one thing I don't reach to create. A wet draped.
The thing I want to obtain, is like a drap that could show more body shapes, like if it's wet, or something like that, the goal is, for example, to see more shapes of a face below the drap. I don't understand how to do that... If someone has an idea...
Thanx a lot !
Wet fabric generally is going to have a higher friction, higher density, and smaller collision offset. In this example I increased friction from .2 to 1.0, Density from 180 to 600, and reduced Collision Offset from .2 to 0.050. Depending on the mesh lowering the Collision Offset might cause pokethrough, especially if you are interacting with HD morphs or strong normal maps on the collision object.
Ok , I understand. Thanx for your answer !