How do I break a object down into its "Face Groups"

I have a room prop.  Nice room with walls, floor, fireplace, and so on.  But it is one solid object.  I'd like to be able to turn off certain walls/windows so I can get better camera positions.  I noticed in Geometry editor\Geometry Selection\Select By\Face Groups, there is a perfect list of all the things I would like to be their own object. (Floor, Glass1, Glass2, Walls1, Walls2, and so on.)  Is there a way I can convert all these face groups into their own objects, like the original room is?

I am aware of a long, tedious way of selecting a single face group, deleting everything else, saving, and repeating, but I don't want to do this dozens of times.  Anyone know an easier route?  Thanks!


  • One way would be to turn it into a figure (Edit>Object>Rigging>Convert Prop to Figure, then use the Joint Editor tool to add a bone for each part (right-click>Create>Create Child Bone) for each group you want to be hidable, then in the Tool Settings pane select the matching group as the Selection Group. You can then use the eye icon in the Scene pane or the Visible parameter to hide/show.

  • CGI3DMCGI3DM Posts: 279

    Create "Set Selection" For All Face Groups Selected, and "Hide Selected Poligons" in Geometry editor

  • Please check the Terms and conditions of use first as alterations for the prop may be prohibited by the seller. This works only if the Face Groups have been created and saved in the geometry file (or you can export it as one). In the past I have imported Poser props that had non-selectable face groups into Daz Studio [Window/Panes(Tabs)] - Figure Setup pane, set the Rigging Type to Parametric(Legacy) and drag it across from Geometry List into Relationships. The item shows as all it's parts, if all you want to do is swith-off a wall or two, press the Create button. This is a simple work-round for what you want,  but you either have to load the original item and copy/paste the texture maps to the new figure or use new ones. Be warned the face group names may not give a clear indication of the item it relates to also no relationships/welds/joints have been made so all parts can be moved/rotated/switched but results may not be as expected i.e. door, handle and hinges not joined together, that requires a lot more work and a full tutorial. Good Luck

  • Reality1Reality1 Posts: 115
    edited February 2018

    Alowe49 Wrote : Please check the Terms and conditions of use first as alterations for the prop may be prohibited by the seller.

    Don't these restrictions refer to aterations with regard to altering and then reselling or making the object file available elsewhere?

    I'm not aware of any stipulation that says you cannot use a prop in 2D art in a way you see fit.

    Can you give an example?

    Post edited by Reality1 on
  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983
    edited February 2018

    Create "Set Selection" For All Face Groups Selected, and "Hide Selected Poligons" in Geometry editor

    This 'quick and dirty' method may work for you but keep in mind that "Hide Selected" will only work for this session - the next time you open your scene the hidden polygons will show up again.

    If the things you want to hide in front of the camera can be selected with some Surface Groups, you can change to the Surface pane and drag the opacity down to zero on the Surfaces in the way of the camera view.

    But propably the walls for example share the same surface group - not the best option.

    Another option you have is to use a combination of "Hide Selected" and "Delete Hidden" with the Geometry Editor but this will delete all hidden permanent and propably you have to save a new subset file (to merge it later with other scenes) or you save a new asset to the content library to use it in other scenes.


    If all this abouth doesnt help you can also try to convert to figure and 'rig' this prop.

    In the Geometry Editor you can use some technic I would call 'flood fill' select just some polygons of all objects in the way with 'drag selection' mode. Once you have at least some random polygons selected right-click and choose (Geometry Selection > Select Connected [Ctrl+*]). Now everything should be selected if not continue with select connected.


    Post edited by Syrus_Dante on
  • CGI3DMCGI3DM Posts: 279

    The "Selection sets" are saved in the file. You can easily create all the sets you need without affecting the geometry of the object (clean).

    Fast, easy and useful. Without complications. 20 seconds is what it would take time for the user to do it.

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