How to Make the Promo Backgrounds in Ron's Vintage BGs & Overlays?

I love Ron's products so I'm glad I bought this set, but I could use some help to combine them to make the promo backgrounds.

As I was looking at the promo images to see what cool stuff came with Ron's Vintage Backgrounds and Overlays, I thought the promo backgrounds were also included. Unfortunately they aren't, but it appears that Ron might have provided a hint as to which items to layer to make it, but I have no idea which blending modes and opacity levels etc. to use.

For example, I'm guessing that this beautiful green background might be made from these 7 backgrounds/overlays (plus other separate brushes for the flowers etc. ):

I've been playing with them in Photoshop for a while. I've tried Overlay, Screen, Soft Light, all at a variety of opacity levels, but I'm not even close.


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  • Unfortunately I'm not at my PC that has the vintage backgrounds. If i understand your question, you want to change the overlay to a green color? In that case, in photoshop, make a hue/satuartion adjustment layer and clip it to the "Ron's" layer and adjust it to get the color you want. Otherwise, you are on the right track in regards playing with the blending modes/opacity ot get the look you want.

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078


    Look at Ron's eighth promo. I think that's your answer.

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    Thanks guys. Tried the invert trick before I posted. It works fine with a couple layers, but when you have seven layers which layer(s) get inverted, then add unknown blending modes... Will try adjustment layer.

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    The layer that gets inverted in the one that is active when you execute the command.

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723
    fastbike1 said:

    The layer that gets inverted in the one that is active when you execute the command.

    Sorry. I meant how many should I invert to get the right effect.

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

     @dawnblade  "Sorry. I meant how many should I invert to get the right effect."

    As many as it takes ???

    If I understand your original post, I think your assumption that Ron used all seven of the purplish background to create the green one isn't a good assumption. I think it's just an illustration of included content.

    Plus, there's clearly way more going on in that particular image than just layering some number of backgrounds.

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723
    edited February 2018


    Post edited by dawnblade on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,495

    Have you thought of asking Ron himself? He has a commercial thread here:

    Note: He's been very ill so I'm not 100% sure he's on the forum much, though he was apparently signed on earlier this morning - maybe worth a try.

  • Don't forget, in addition to belnding modes, that you can use the Blend If feature to fade the overlay in or out - double-click the layer to open the dialogue. there are sliders cotnrolling the tone of the current layer and layers below that should mask, hold down opt/alt and drag one of the markers to split it for a graded transition.

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723
    MelanieL said:

    Have you thought of asking Ron himself? He has a commercial thread here:

    Note: He's been very ill so I'm not 100% sure he's on the forum much, though he was apparently signed on earlier this morning - maybe worth a try.

    Sure, I've asked various artists about their products. Was hoping to get help from the community here.

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    Don't forget, in addition to belnding modes, that you can use the Blend If feature to fade the overlay in or out - double-click the layer to open the dialogue. there are sliders cotnrolling the tone of the current layer and layers below that should mask, hold down opt/alt and drag one of the markers to split it for a graded transition.

    Thanks Richard. I was playing with "Blend If" and that dialog box yesterday. One could come up with some wild stuff there. I'll keep at it.

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

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  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    I made the above background with the following:

    Inverted #9, then set Blend If on #9 for underlying layer:

    After watching a video on the PassThrough blending mode for groups, I added my items to a group:

    I left the blending mode to Normal for each of Ron's backgrounds (other than using Blend-If on #9 above).

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  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    The only layer where I changed the Opacity is the SpaceStuff layer, for the stars, gasses and moon. Things not discussed but used were Gaussian blur, masking to soften areas, etc.

    I rendered with the background as is (no DOF so you could see what the background looks like).


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