Non morphing armour
Posts: 87
Some of the armour wearable items on here are spoiled by the fact that what sould be solid metal elements are made to warp twist, bend and distort their forms to fit the pose of the figure. This makes the armour look like it's made of rubber rather than metal. It would be nice to see reasonably accurate reproductions of Roman lorica segmentata, say, and medieval plate armour, where the metal bits are solid and keep their proper shape, but still fit because the armour articulates like real armour, being attached at various surface points. It surprises me that solid piece aren't more do-able than bendy ones, where solid pieces would be more suitable.
Yep. I still struggle with guns and holsters. I think it's liked to that "Fit to" option, And makes the item follow the shape of the target.
Valandar has some armour that comes close to that, as far as the limitations of the figure allow (since the flesh can't be compressed by the armour).