not recognizing ctrl key

All of a sudden, Daz Studio doesn't respond to pressing the "CTRL' key.  If I use CTRL-Z to undo an action...nothing happens.  If I use CTRL-L to add studio lights, nothing happens.  Obviously I've tried restarting my computer, and checked to see that the key works in other applications.  I'm mystified.


  • Do other shortcuts work? if you hold down the ctrl keyy while double-clicking a preset do you get a dialogue? I suspect the answer will be no and yes, in which case go to Window>Worksapce>Customise, click the Import button, and in the dialogue box select Actions and then in the fiel browser either select Default Advanced or go to C:\Users\YOU\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\user layouts\actions and select the file for your saved layout (if you have one).

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