PostgreSQL CMS problem

Got a new computer a couple weeks ago. Decided to do a complete clean re=instal of all my Daz files. Thats still going on. But I wanted to see what I could do with whats installed already. Anyway, First time opening Daz on the new computer I get. "Connecting to Daz 3d requires a valid connection to a PostgreSQL CMS database. A connection could not be established." I don't have a firewall turned on or any AntiVirus software installed. There used to be a way to turn on, and off the CMS. But if its still there I can't find it. Any ideas how to fix this? I'm on an Imac running 10.13.3
Never mind. I just found out the SQL thingy failed to instal the first time. Its working now I think
Thanks to those of you who bothered to look
Did you install a version of PostgreSQL? You can use DS without, but some features will be broken.
Thanks, Yes. Its at least allowing me to start using some things now. Could you tell me. Why even after using the DIM to install things. The products are all greyed out and when I click on them. It wants to instal more stuff before they will work?
Did you isntall them before you had PostgreSQL working? If so they won't be in the database and so DS will think they need to be installed. If you open the Content Library pane option menu (the lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab) and go to Content DB Maintenance, then check Re-Import Metadata, that should let the database know what you had isntalled via DIM. If even stuff you installed after having PostgreSQL up and running is failing to appear then there may be another issue.
Yes. I installed quite a few of the items before the postgreSQL. Thanks. I think I understand now.