Temporary Fix for DAZ 4.10 Viewport visual glitch - Flashing Colours

After testing this out, I have discovered what causes the viewport to show flashing colours on certain props in the texture shaded drawstyles. It appears to occur when the shader is not using "Iray Uber" as a base. For example some of Stonemason's props use a 'Overlay Skin Shader', And Tesla 3D corp uses ones names after the prop it's sitting over. Daz doesn't understand what these are and instead starts glitching.
However here is a temporary fix I discovered.
Select the object with the glitch using the Surface Selection Tool, go to the surfaces tab and make a note of the 'base color', this will be important later.
With the object still selected, go to Shader Presets and open up Iray > Daz Uber, select the 'Iray Uber Base'. This will reset the original shader into something DAZ recognises.
Go back to the suraces tab and under the 'base color' choose the texture that you noted earlier.
Now the screen shouldn't have flashing colours. Unfortunately this will have to be done to everything that flashes and everytime you open the scene but it's better than the nothing coming from DAZ right now.
Have you reported this to Daz as a bug?
Daz is aware of the issue, though it may be worth reporting your additional discoveries (however, I don't get the isseu even with Stonemason sets that cause it for others so there may well be more to it).