Learning Hexagon

DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

I know that this is the Carrara forum, but I like to consider the whole of Daz's offerings to be a good suite of tools to have and use. I also know that many people in this forum enjoy learning aids.

The author of this really cool Learning Hexagon series just sent me this link to share. The link takes you to a video explanation of the series with links in the description for how to get them. It looks pretty cool!

For me, Hexagon is an invaluable tool for adding morphs to my purchased figures and the products made for them. The reason I use Hexagon for this, rather than Carrara, is due to the Daz Studio/Hexagon Bridge, which is invaluable in many ways. The biggest for me is than, upon sending the edited figure back to Daz Studio, the bridge launches a valuable pop-up window guiding you towards how to organize the changes you've made to the figure, into the structure of the model file. When done, I export the new figure as a CR2 (Poser Figure) for use in Carrara. With Carrara 8.5, you'll have new methods at your disposal for using the finished work in Carrara, like the new DUF format.

Just a little FYI I thought many of you might be interested in.


  • ProPoseProPose Posts: 531
    edited December 1969

    I have to agree, EZ's hex tutorials are top notch, short, sweet and to the point for the most part. I bought into his series a few years ago and still use them as reference. Most of my modeling is done in Carrara, which has its limitations, but I got used to them.

  • 0oseven0oseven Posts: 626
    edited December 1969

    yep great tutorials - luckily I downloaded them when they were free quite some time ago.

    You can see quite a lot of tutorials on this site too


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited December 1969

    thanks Dart
    Hex looks good,
    too good, it, it

    it makes my eyeballs roll it has so many goodies :)

    Roygee is a bit of a hexgod as far as I can see

  • edited December 1969

    YEA hex is the SHEET! I think DAZ ought to DUMP carraras Vertex modeler and replace it with HEX. ONCE you get over the quick to learn learning curve one will find it hard to ever use Carraras Modeler except for the basic adjustments and stuff

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