Render Throttle for Iray not showing in Install Manager

I purchased Render Trottle two weeks ago. It shows under my purchases and in my products but it does not show up in install manager. I need to know how to get it to show in install manager or what install path I should use if i do it manually. I have tied to use the install manager button on the purchased page of the item, but that does nothing. I have sent a request ticket to Daz two weeks ago and still have no answer. Last time I sent off a request for help it took about a month to get an answer, I dont want to wait that long. If some one from Daz looks at this post please work on your costmer support it is infuriating and needs to be improved.

If anyone has been able to get this product to work please look at the installed path and copy it for me so I will know where to put it. I have been able to down load manuelly but I dont know where to put it. 

In really would appreciate any help this commuity can give. Thanks in advance.


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