How to split an object into regions?

So far i have managed to export a fractal object and clean it up in meshlab....its imported into a DAz scene and i have added a texture map to the whole object.

Next, if possible i would like to split up the object so it has 3 or 4 different regions so that can have different textures. just like you can on a mannequin.
I read somewhere i need to 'convert prop to figure' then open geometry editor and then use joint editor to add bones.

i managed to convert prop to figure and it adds a hip...but i am a bit stuck at the next part... i can't find either the joint editor or a geometry editor.
any advice on how to proceed? ..thanks!


ufo tex.jpg
1280 x 720 - 207K


  • You don't need to convert to figure unless you are going to want to make the item posable. The Geometry Editor will work on props as well.

    The Geometry Editor should be in the Tools menu - if not, make sure that you haev entered your serial number for Daz Studio (though I think if not you would not have been able to convert the prop to a figure).

  • Or use Alt+shift+G keyboard shortcut, once activated use right click on mouse to select the item to work on. For smaller areas I use (right mouse button) Selection Mode - Drag Selection and larger areas Lasso Selection (or a combination of both - press Ctrl key to hold selected items when changing between them). When you are happy with the area selected (right mouse button) Geometry Assignment - Create Surface from Selected then name as required. Please Note - this is a single use option unless you export the object then re-import for changes to be permanent and this loses any morphs, bones etc. The easier option if the item has a texture map - change that to suit your model. Good luck.

  • umbahumbah Posts: 3
    edited February 2018

    thanks guys awesome,  i have  found both the joint editor and the geometry editor. (sorry for the noobness)
    and found the Create Surface from Selected option.
    should work great now!

    at this stage i have only imported a random texture jpg on the Surfaces tab on the diffuse color which changed its color but the image doesn't show wrapped on the object.

    there is no texture map... i was hoping to use the shaders and materials from DAZ, or apply textures that do show up. i can't seem to do this though.

    this is just a raw fractal object imported no texture i need to prepare it first or something to have it compatible with materials in DAZ?

    i was also interested to try just a simple skelton rig so the wings could move up and down with the  joint editor - this should be possible i think
    any pointers for doing this aswell? cheers

    Post edited by umbah on
  • umbahumbah Posts: 3

    with the geometry editor - its very blocky when selecting? - i  think the geometry is too rough on the object, does this mean i need a higher resolution model or smooth it down somehow?

    just to visualize the idea - i attached the fractal render, which has 4 different materials applied to different parts. this is the sort of thing i would like to replicate if possible in DAZ. but not necessarily this orange design, its just an example.

    1474 x 907 - 144K
    ufo 4 med.jpg
    1024 x 1024 - 68K
  • Is the object UV mapped? if not your options are going to be greatly constrained.

    The seelction edit looks more as if there are overlapping layers of mesh than a lack of resolution.

  • umbahumbah Posts: 3

    Is the object UV mapped? if not your options are going to be greatly constrained.

    The seelction edit looks more as if there are overlapping layers of mesh than a lack of resolution.

    No it isn't. I guess i need to rewind a bit then.

    Can i ask what the easiest way to UV map the object is. Or get a texture map? I don't know really where to start...any pointers would be great....but i can't do this stage in DAZ correct?  i need another program maybe... if possible could you recommened any other free program that can UV map or texture map the object?   thanks for all your help Richard, really appreciate it!


  • Hexagon is free and has UV mapping tools. Parts of that shape are going to be pretty hard to give a nice mapping to, though, whatever tool you use (of course another option is to give it a nasty but flat mapping, for example an atlas map which ends up with small groups of polygons scattered around, and then paint with a 3D tool like Blender (free), 3D Coat or Substance Painter (maintenance or subscription), or Mudbox (subscription).

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