Do these utilities work for Ca…
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Do these utilities work for Carrara too?

There's some really useful Daz utilities/plugins -- especially the one I just noticed called "Handy Dandy", making it possible to translate hand poses from different figures correctly:
WIll it workj for my Genesis 1-2 characters in Carrara to?
Please say yes somebody.
I applied a hand pose from my Smart content to my Gen 2 figure, only to realize that it must probably have been a hand pose for Gen 1 only. This is one thing that I find annoying in the Smart Content browser under Categories -- the preview icons don't specify for which character ithey are.
Now, my left hand is totally messed upi -- it won't respond to any parameter dials anymore!! Is there a way to fix this?
Just looking at the product page, they are scripts (.dsa files), so probably not.
Bummer, looks like it would have been HANDy to have in the toolbox.
I don't have the product. Can the script be applied to a posed figure in Studio and then saved as a second pose set? If so, then the second pose might work in Carrara. Maybe.
If you can create the hand pose in DS.(with or witout scripting) .. then you should also be able save that as a "Pose" either in DS format, or as PZ2,. and call it something appropriate.
In carrara,. any pose/partial pose,. will create a set of keyframes,. so you should be alble to locate the keys (in the sequencer) for that hand, and delete the pose.
Also,. in Carrara,. you should be able to select a figure/part and go to Animation/Zero/Zero selection pose.
Generally DS plugins work in DS,. but some stuff can be saved in the scene and loaded into carrara.
Parameter dials and Poses (manually moving /rotating the bones) can conflict. other than that i've no idea why the parameters aren't working for you.
try deleting the hand pose keys, or copy the first keys at frame 0 and move them forward.
3dAge - you always amaze me with you arsenal of knowledge! Where do you store everything?
I deleted the keyframes for them - that is one ligament that totally went berzerk after applying the incorrect grasp hand pose. But after delering the keyframes, it was like the skinning shot off the bone (you will see it looks liki flipped out in itself backwards! ;-) And before tghis, I appled what I believe to be the only stock hand pose that came a long with the Gen 2 Essentials, but it did nothing to correct tghe mess, And I must say , I'm disappointed in the virtually non-existing hand poses that were included with the G 2 Starter essentials. Normally, with every new figure release, there are at least a few basic hand poses that accompany the material.
I wish Daz could indicate exactly which poses are for which figures in the poses category.This could have prevented me from messing up the bone system of a figure that I worked long on.(see final image)His hands now look fine, but I manually had to rotate the thumbs as the poreset dials don;t respond anymore.
Thanks for the sad info. I wonder of somebody like Fenric migth be intrested in developing such a plugin for Carrara?
HI Cobusp :)
Genesis figures should have controls to pose the hand,. and fingers,. there should be a bunch of sliders, for the feet and toes too.
genesis added more bones to those areas, (than previous figures),... to allow for a more natural range of movement, and easier posing.
See pics for Genesis and Genesis2 male.
Hope it helps :)
Hi, yes, I'm wel aware of those dials - very handy (no pun) indeed. But Genesis figures have quite a host of preset hand poses that are still help to instantly change hands. And yet, as far as I can see, Genesis 2 figures only have a grasp/grip preset. In my particualr instance, applying a preset might have helped to instantly fix the messed up hand..