Transition between two ground textures

if I have two panes which are merging I have an ugly border. Is there any trick to get a smother transition, like an option when two panes are crossing tp get a fade in of the textures?

sand test 2.png
983 x 881 - 2M
You could use a gradient opacity mask on the higher of them. It might take some work to make sure the gradient ended before the two surfaces actually crossed.
Also check out TerraDome3 which does some kind of transition based on the angle or height of the shared terrain.
You could try applying an opacity map
Don't think there's anything built in.
I'd probably render as-is and then deal with it in photoshop afterwards. Or cover the join with a rocky outcrop or patch of seaweed or something.
Thank you for all the answers..
Ok... I hoped there would be an easy solution for this. But it seems that I should avoid such a sitation and if it‘s anavoidable Photoshop seems to be the simpiliest way.