Fixing Clothing That is Not Showing as Wearable

Somehow I have a few pieces of Clothing that are showing up with a File Type of "Scene Subset" instead of "Wearable". One is a piece of Clothing that I converted using Sickle Yield's Tutorial at I am sure this dress worked fine when I did the conversion originally but now it does not Fit to the Figure.
Another one is the CoZee dress from Wild Things. I checked with the creator and have been assured that it is properly configured as a Wearable.
I am not sure how I managed to break these, nor how to fix them. I tried removing the CoZee Dress and unzipping it again but that didn't change anything.
Does anyone know how to change these items into Wearables.
How are they broken? If you load themand right-click on them do you not get Fit <Item name> to..., which opens a dialogue fronm which you select the figure to wear them? If you can do that, then they should also be parented to the figure, as long as you don't uncheck that in the fit dialogue, and you can save a new Wearables preset.
Normally I just double-click on them when I have the Figure selected but I just checked and they don't have the Fit T0 option when I right click.
That was right-clicking on the loaded content, not the file in the content pane? Is the clothing actually loading as a figure not a prop?
No. That was in the Content pane. The File Type is a Scene Subset and it wants to be merged into the Scene.
Right, you load the content (by Merging the scene subset), then right-click on the clothing figure in the Viewport (or select it and use the Fit To button in the parameters pane).
That works. ... but how would these have turned into Scene Subsets from Wearables. I just walked through the Sickle Yield tutorial again and at the end it has you do (File--Save As--Support Asset--Figure/Prop Assets). I just selected the CoZee Dress and did that and the result is a Wearable and not a Scene Subset.
I guess I can go and save them as Figure/Prop Assets and then overwrite the current files to correct the problem, but I'm wondering how they might have gotten changed. The ones that I had done a few months ago worked fine when I initially created them. Where is the File Type stored?
No need to resave as an asset, just save a Wearables preset.