3Dl keeps crashing on gtx 1060

Lord TherosLord Theros Posts: 64

Hi everybody!

Hope any of you can give me a hint on whats wrong, here is the deal: 3dl keeps crashing on me on all kinds of scenes, not always but lets say 6 out of 10 times or more.

I can´t ssem to find a specific product or shader that could be the cause, at some point in the render the screen goes black and comes back with

a warning that my video driver kernel stoped working and had recovered, daz crashes with errors on both nvoglv64.dll and libneuray.dll.

My system:

Daz win7 ultimate 64

AMD fx 8350

16gb ram

evga gtx 1060 sc 6gb

tried the latest driver (390.77) and the old (378.92) that I was using on my gtx750 that was really stable, but that didn´t work.

I´m guessing its some sort of driver problem, since it started when i got the 1060

Any help is appreciated (and sorry for my bad english)

Thanks in advance!



Post edited by Lord Theros on


  • Are you sure you are rendering with 3Delight and not Iray?

  • yep.. thats the weird part, seems to me that libneuray.dll has nothing to do with 3dl rendering... could it be some iray material left in the scene that I didn´t see?


  • An Iray material wouldn't, so far as I know, trigger a call to the Iray render engine.

  • Just did a few more testing, rendering in iray gives no errors at all it seems to be happening only on 3dl, checked gpu temps on precision xoc an all fine there.

    Did a cpu,fpu and memory stress test on aida64 and all went well, cpu temps on amd overdrive are fine too, so i guess there no hardware issue.

    Wich seems to point to nvidia drivers, so can anyone point me to a stable one for 3dl on a gtx 1060 sc 6gb?(right now i got the latest 390.77, and updated my daz to


  • After some more testing, it seems to be crashing on more complicated scenes (more lights on 3dl), just to be sure i just did a render on iray using both cpu and gpu(the benchmark scene),

    it went it no errors to thermal throttle temps on my cpu. I stoped the render there, so it must be something with nvidia drivers and 3dl.

    Can anyone point me to a stable driver for 3dl?

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    I have a 1060, too, and get crashes when rendering in 3DL also. Not sure if this will help, but you may want to check out a couple of relevant posts I made about the issue in another thread (first one contains info about my system and the crashes, and the second one contains somewhat of a solution):



    This solved my issue with IBL Master, but I still get crashes when rendering in 3DL for some scenes and have yet to pin down the cause.

    BTW, the product that @Parris released is highly recommended if you are rendering in 3DL:


    Hope this helps.

    - Greg

  • Thanks a lot! gonna give that a try and post the results

  • So I did try those, but sadly seems it didnt work for me... it got me a bit further, but the render still crashes, just  takes longer...

    I made a  ticket for suppor with daz, and tried to contact nvidia itself, gonna try evga too.

    the problem seems to bve with memory calls and handling, so if no one has any other ideas, i guess we are stuck with iray until a new nvidia driver or daz update fixes the issue.

    Btw, i guess there is more people aroun with 1060´s so anyone with one could chime in if its working with 3dl or not, maybe we could get a thread for the issue if more people are experiencing it?

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    Maybe you could simply change the title of the thread to reference 1060s?

    Haven't been able to spend much time in DS lately, but I'll be sure to post here if I discover any more information.

    - Greg

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Don't know if it will help, but the latest Nvidia driver isn't always the best, most stable one. I'm using 388.13 on Win 7 with a 980Ti with no issues in Studio/Iray. Don't use 3DL.

  • I hear you Fast, thing is for some scenes I still think 3dl is better (like night scenes or when the photoreal iray just dont fit the mood), right now I fount that the driver that crashes less for me is 387.92.

    But it still crashes every time I thing get more complex than 2 lights and a single character , no scenery but a dome, and] some more complex hair like OOT, or April´s crashes even on those very simple scenes.

    Im still waiting on answers for Daz, nvidia and evga...

    pretty sure nvidia will release a new driver for FF15, lets hope that one works, in the meantime any other driver recomendations for series 10 gpus for 3dl? (alredy tested: 378.92, 382.33, 388.71, 390.77)

  • Hi Lord Theros.
    I use the 388.0 driver and it works perfectly here with my GTX 1050 TI and DAZ Studio 4.10.

  • Thanks Jefferson!, Gonna check that driver later and report back.

  • And I´m still here! heheh

    The latest driver(391.01) seems to have worked, but as I´m getting to thermal limits since I got the new gpu ( not optimal airflow and a stock cooler on the cpu).

    I got a CM 212x and a extra fan to help and will try to post the results as soon as I got it all up and running :)

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    Thanks for posting your experiences. I'll try 391.01 after I finish up a couple of current projects that need to get done (and are currently not causing crashes for me). 

    I love the speed increases using GPUs, but the driver situation is a nightmare. I question the whole "new release every 2 seconds" attitude. Pay hundreds of dollars for a card which you have to beta test lol.

    In addition to rendering in Iray and dForce simulations in DS, I use my card for other things, too (neural net training, photogrammetry functions, etc.). Finding drivers that work for all of it is difficult. Fix one thing - break another . . .

    - Greg

  • So new cooler installed airflow fixed... and again 391.01 didn´t work still crashing with the same errors....

    Gonna try 388.0 that Jefferson sugested tomorrow, and will report back as soon as I find one that works

  • artd3Dartd3D Posts: 165

    I'm using 391.01 on an EVGA 1050 Ti SC. No problems with either 3dl or iray.

  • Right now I'm using 391.01 too and iray is fine, 3dl crashes as soon as the render hits some harder part (like hairs), already tested about 10 different drivers all with the same results.

    Im starting to think its something with the 1060's... Btw if someone can make sense of windows error reports I can post them.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    3Delight does not use the graphics card to render so it is most likely a general over heating problem.

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636
    jestmart said:

    3Delight does not use the graphics card to render so it is most likely a general over heating problem.

    I've wondered why the card is in use when rendering in 3DL, too. I get crashes when rendering in 3DL in DS (fault module nvoglv64.dll). I doubt it's heat as my card runs cool. Also, the card runs relatively hotter when rendering Iray without crashes.

    The only thing that I can think of is that maybe DS is calling screen re-draws during rendering, which are taking a long time and triggering TDR <shrug>. As I linked to earlier in this thread, I made some tweaks in the nVidia Control Panel and the registry which solved my issues when rendering using IBL Master/3DL, but still get the same crashes in other cirumstances (like Lord Theros says, when hitting hard spots like hair/fur).

    - Greg

  • jestmart said:

    3Delight does not use the graphics card to render so it is most likely a general over heating problem.

    That was my first tought too, so I changed my cpu cooler and increased the airflow. Now all temps are way inside safe parameters for both CPU and GPU ( GPU max in Iray around 56 celcius, and GPU never above 45 even during Aida64 stress test), I those tweaks Greg suuggested, but they do not work for general 3DL renders.

    I got word for Daz support today and sent them the log, lets hpoe they find out what's going on.

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