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I've been giving some thoughts to this and the only solution I can see is to reverse engineer the way Carrara saves an hair object and to reverse the process (create an hair object and load it in Carrara). Tricky but doable depending how complex a poser hair object is (for instance is it only UV based or image based).
I put together a "Duplicate On" scene command from existing bits and pieces of other plugins. You can find it (once again) in the Laboratory section of my website with versions for Carrara 8 for Windows and Macintosh. Test it out and give any feedback.
This allows you to take a single selected object then choose a vertex object and set which mode you want to use. Duplicates will be placed on all vertices, middle of edges or the centre of polygons. It can also be restricted to the current selection made in the vertex object and align the object Z axis to the surface normal.
Doing this for general triangulated facet objects will take a bit more work so I'll come back to that at some point.
AnythingGrow, now open source, had some functions that might do something similar ... Tip Objects might work, making the hair strand a near zero length ... maybe? Then delete the strands if possible?
I have not played with this plugin enough yet, just try a couple of things. But Wow, is just great! Thank you ever so much! I will explore it more.
I'm not sure what happened to the reply I made to this post but thanks a huge ton! I will look into this as a means of getting characters moved around. Thanks so much!!!!!
Thanks so much for those two plugins!!
Cant wait to try them
cheers from this side of Oz :)
The Duplicate On command should be useful where the existing replica distributions are too random or the wrong layout. Use the existing Replicator for a big grid but try the Duplicate On for a spiral or more complex custom curved shapes. It might be a quicker method to draw a line with the vertex model in scene mode and then drop the duplicates onto those vertices.
I'll look into whether this can be done inside the Vertex Modeler if I can figure out how to copy and build geometry. Otherwise so long as the vertex model is unscaled in the scene this plugin can be used with an export-import-copy-paste to do that.
One more example of "Duplicate on" usage:
terrific Veronika here's a play from me
thanks Sparrowhawke!
the Zip file just rename zip to car the top nails are cleaned up in it
this will have so many uses.... wheel spokes... viking helmets ( cool stuff that ) nurbs on vehicles and..... spaghetti wire hair
very awesome -- thanks Sparrowhawke
Those are some great applications and results. It would otherwise take some time to position a lot of pins for the brush, or the rivets on the helmet but with a quick selection the plugin can do it. Also useful for some really wacky spaghetti optical fibres...whatever that is...(and why ?)...get creative !
Thank you, Andrew! I also want to share my hairbrush. Attached is *car hairbrush.
Thank you, Veronika. Am thinking of a use for your brush with a Halloween theme.
You are very wellcome, Ted!
I recorded a short video on hairbrush modeling with plugin UVUnWrapCommand by Sparrowhawke3D
if someone can make an importer to import multiple meshes at once it would be very handy,
I use the Poser python by PhilC in Poser and then save as a scene or Poseray but an in Carrara solution would be more elegant.
I know there are probably good reasons why these are impossible:
A more direct way to manipulate hair guides would be great. I know we can select and pull them around, but being able to manipulate segments would be fantastic.
An npr plugin that "tricks" Carrara into rendering through pr, so multi-thread works (I'm guessing plugin creators not being allowed far enough under the hood is the problem, but I don't know a thing about coding)
I'm grateful to plugin creators creating things I didn't even know I needed
Nvidias PhysX Engine goes OpenSource >
searching sparrowhawke's site for the uwrap plugin, not seeing it?
i has a theory the reason geografts not working in carrara, i think the verts are supposed to weld. to make it a single mesh.
Hi @Cbird, I am by no means any expert using Carrara's Dynamic Hair - total novice here. After reading your request and wondering if the clever Carrara developers allowed us to do this the answer is...YES! So thank you, I just learned something new.
In the Hair Room select the Move Tool, and then select the Tool Tab. Using the Point slider, or the '-' and '+' buttons you can select a specific point on your selected hair guide(s). You can then drag those points around to your liking, toggling up and down the hair guide.
Here are some pictures to help. I reduced it to 1 hair guide and reduced density to 50 so you can see the guide point, plus outlined in pink. Final picture is wildly manipulated points to show it can be done.
As usual apologies if this already common knowledge, I just learned this 30 minutes ago.
Edited to add: looks like the Scale tool can be used to scale the whole guide up and down, maybe a bit more control than the Cut tool or adjusting the Length in the General Tab. Looks like another option. Rotate didn't seem to work at all.
Very cool demonstration! I always love watching the efficiency of your modeling too... Awesome!
thank you!
Thank you for your kind words!
Is the demand still there for a scene command that can go into an object's shaders and change all of the texture maps from the default Fast Mip-Map to a different setting in 8.5 ? I remember that being asked for in the past. Was a texture file work-around found ?
I've only now been able to figure out how to poke around deeper into shaders so I'm working in that area. I think I can do this for the general case and almost certainly for the specific case of content that is imported with a Multi-Channel and Multiply in the Color channel with a Texture map as Source 1.
I believe Fenric made one, I never bought it as I use notepad the few times I wanted too, not got the hack handy as on iPad but it was an easy find and replace
this thread
Find replace Filt 3 with Filt 0 changed mipmap to sampling